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1 Maret 2024 22:25

Portraits of 30 celebrities with similar faces like sisters, Hesti Purwadinata and Ayu Hastari are hard to tell apart

So similar that you can get the wrong name Hapsari Afdilla
Portraits of 30 celebrities with similar faces like sisters, Hesti Purwadinata and Ayu Hastari are hard to tell apart Instagram/@dosandhysondoro_official

Brilio.net - Have you ever heard that humans have '7 twins' in this world? This expression was coined because it turns out that out there, there are several people whose faces are miraculously similar to other people's faces.

This can happen to anyone, including celebrities, you know. Yes, maybe you are also aware that there are several artists who have faces similar to other celebrities. Sometimes, they are so similar that it is confusing to differentiate them. Celebrities with similar looks are often mistaken for brothers and sisters, even though they're not.

If you want to see which artists look like other celebrities and are thought to be twins , brilio.net gathered from various sources on Friday (1/3), here are 11 portraits of 30 celebrities with faces that look like siblings. Hesti Purwadinata and Ayu Hastari are difficult to distinguish.

1. For those of you who have difficulty distinguishing between Chelsea Islan and Tatjana Saphira, it's very common. The reason is that the two artists who play together in this film have 'twin' faces.

photo: Instagram/@tatjanasaphira

2. Many people thought that the two of them were twins, but it turns out that Acha Sinaga and Nadila Ernesta are not related at all, you know.

photo: Instagram/@achasinaga

3. Who used to be confused between these two beautiful presenters? Understandably, Ayu Hastari and Hesti Purwadinata have faces like areca nuts cut in half. Especially if the photo together is like this.

photo: Instagram/@ayuhastari

4. Since deciding to wear the hijab, Zaskia Gotix has often been said to resemble her husband's ex-wife, Imel Putri Cahyati.

photo: Instagram/@imelpc & @zaskia_gotix

5. Did you know? Apart from having similar faces, it turns out that Leony and Chelsea Olivia both have crooked teeth! Maybe that's what makes them both smile like twins. Unfortunately, Chelsea has now had her crooked teeth removed for health and comfort reasons.

photo: Instagram/@chelseaoliviaa

6. Mike Lewis and Nino Fernandez, they both know that many people find it difficult to differentiate between the two. It's only natural because these two handsome men have eleven-twelve faces.

photo: Instagram/@mike_lewis

7. Who can tell the difference between Ersa Mayori and Cut Tary? If you can, then you're cool, here. The problem is that the faces of these two artists are really difficult to distinguish.

photo: Instagram/@ersamayori & @cuttaryofficial

8. Netizens like to think of Ananda Omesh's beautiful wife, Dian Ayu Lestari, as a twin with presenter Maya Septha. This is because these two women have complex faces.

photo: Instagram/@dianayulestari & @mayaseptha7

9. If Sandhy Sandoro and Narji said that they were real 'twins', it would seem believable because their figures are very similar. However, these two artists with different professions are not siblings, you know.

photo: Instagram/@sandhysondoro_official

10. Christopher Arce and Aliando, who both have sharp noses, do look similar at first glance, right?

photo: Instagram/@christoperarcee & @aliandooo

11. Olivia Jansen is often said to be the younger portrait of Wulan Guritno because they are so far apart in age but have similar faces.

photo: Instagram/@oliviajensen & @wulanguritno

12. Eriska Rein and Shaloom, Wulan Guritno's children, both have white and sweet faces. But they are not brothers, even though they both look the same.

photo: X/@kischeom

13. Alzi Markers and Fero Walandouw, they both have thick eyebrows, sharp eyes and sexy lips. This is what makes these boys often mistaken for twins.

photo: Instagram/@fero_walandouw & @ialzimarker

14. Wafda with Gamaliel. So similar, even Wafda's lover, Devina, couldn't tell the difference. Funny huh?

photo: Instagram/@devinaureel

15. Many people say that campursari divas and pop divas are like twins. Is that true, guys?

photo: Instagram/@princessyahrini

16. Apart from being said to look like Imel Putri Cahyati. There is another artist who is considered Zaskia's twin, none other than Inara Rusli.

photo: Instagram/@zaskia_gotix

17. Even though they are not related by blood, presenter Ayu Dewi and model Patricia Gouw like to make netizens look confused because of their facial similarities. It's not just their faces, their behavior is both hilarious and irresistible.

photo: Instagram/@mrsayudewi & @patriciagouw

18. Who agrees that Ashira Zamira, actor in the soap opera Cinta Fitri, at first glance looks similar to Dian Sastro?

photo: Instagram/@ashirazamita

19. You definitely wouldn't have thought that these two artists weren't actually twins. But because the face, height and hair style are the same. So they like to be called twins.

photo: Instagram/@dindakirana.s

20. Another artist who has twin faces with a celebrity is Aaliyah Massaid and Mayang, sister of the late Vanessa Angel. It's not just the faces that are similar, the clothes and selfie styles are also very different.

photo: Instagram/@aaliyah.masssaid & @mayaang.lucyaana

21. Many people say that Tissa Biani and Dewi Persik have similar looks. Depe proves a series of similarities between his beautiful face and Tissa Biani through his personal uploads.

photo: Instagram/@dewiperssik9

22. The faces, lips, noses and eyes of these two artists are difficult to distinguish at a glance. Yes, quite a few people also say that Nagita Slavina is very similar to Gita Gutawa. Even their youth portraits are similar, you know.

photo: Instagram/@gitagut & @raffinagita1717

23. When Rina Nose's hair was long, who would have thought that her face would look like Tessa Kaunang. Wide smiles make these two artists look like brother and sister.

photo: Instagram/@tessakaunang_tuiit & @rinanose16

24. They both have cool style and beautiful faces, making Tamara Rebecca and Raisa like to be considered twins. Between the two, whose style do you like the most?

photo: Instagram @rebeccatamara & @raisa6690

25. Since the Indonesian Idol season 10 competition, Tiara Andini has often been said to be similar to Anneth Delliecia, who was the first winner of Indonesian Idol Junior 2018.

photo: Instagram/@tiaraandini & @anneth.dlc

26. Tika Ramlan, former T2 member, has a face that at first glance resembles Agnez Monica, but in the hijab version. However, apart from that, there is also a model and celebrity named Nita Gunawan who is also very similar to Agnes Monica. How can that be, huh?

photo: Instagram/@tika_ramlan & @agnezmo & @nitagunawan09

27. Since deciding to take off the hijab, Natalie Holscher has become similar to Mahalini, Rizki Febian's girlfriend.

photo: Instagram/@nathalieholscher & @mahaliniraharja

28. Apart from being called twins with Tissa Biani, Dewi Perssik and Margin Wieheerm are also often thought to be related because their faces have certain similarities in certain angles.

photo: Instagram.com/@dewiperssik9 & @marginw

29. Having a white face, Sandrinna Michelle is often said to be similar to Irish Bella. If you put them side by side, like brother and sister or mother and child, right?

photo: Instagram/@_irishbella_ & @sandrinna_11

30. Last but not least, there is Boy William who is often said to be a 'photocopy' of Korean artist, Choi Siwon. Both of them are handsome, smart, and have cheerful personalities.

photo: Instagram/@boywilliam17

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