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7 Juli 2016 11:23

New cremation method is pretty gross but environmentally friendly

If you find it kind of gross, feel free to choose the traditional method to bury your body after you die. Retno Wulandari
New cremation method is pretty gross but environmentally friendly

Brilio.net/en - The endlessly increasing costs of funerals is driving people to seek for the alternative for burials, and cremation is quickly becoming one of the most popular amongst others. Not only does it costs less, but it also lessens the environmental impact of modern burials.

Although cremation is bringing better effect to the overall environment, the process often causes damage to the surroundings. In fact, cremation releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is one of the gases responsible for climate change.

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But there's always room for improvement, and this cremation business is no exception. Just check out the so-called "green cremation.

Green cremation is branding itself as a gentle, eco-friendly alternative to flame-based cremation or casket burials. The process uses water and potassium hydroxide to reduce the body to its basic element of bone ash. It does sound normal, but wait until you know how the chemical dissolves the body until nothing is left except the bones.

1. To lessen the environmental impact, some funeral experts in Ontario, Canada have introduced a new body disposal method. They call it environmentally friendly cremation.

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2. While the common cremation uses fire to disentangle bodys organic materials, green cremation uses an alkaline solution to literally dissolve the body until nothing is left but the skeleton. Let's not call it a scene from a horror movie, but rather eco-friendly.

Image via abcnews

3. This newly-invented process was inspired by natural corpse decomposition, but the alkaline speeds up the process. The resulting sludge-like remains, which colour looks like coffee grounds, and is then filtered to remove any chemicals. The rest is then drained into the sewage.

Image viamnthresholdnetwork

4. The bones are then dehumidified, crushed into powder and given back to the family.

Image viacbslocal

5. The green cremation method is not the most pleasant way about this, but with the rising funeral costs from year to year, it has all the potential to become popular.However, if you find it kind of gross, feel free to choose the traditional method to bury your body after you die.

Image viagreencremation

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