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15 Agustus 2016 06:24

Indonesia’s Annual Documentary Film Festival 'Arkipel' Ready to Roll

The fourth edition of this fest takes place in 6 venues across 9 days this month. Victoria Tunggono
Indonesia’s Annual Documentary Film Festival 'Arkipel' Ready to Roll

Brilio.net/en - The fourth edition of the Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival, known as Arkipel, starts on Thursday, August 18.

It will run for nine days atsix locations in Jakarta: GoetheHaus, kineforum, Gudang Sarinah Ekosistem, Erasmus Huis, @America and Cinema XXI at Taman Ismail Marzuki.

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Arkipel, whose name comes from archipelago', was startedby the social and cultural development nonprofit Forum Lenteng as a way for people to reflect onglobal phenomena in society, politics, economics and culture through cinema.

The festival shared Lenteng'smission to create media and cultural knowledge that can better people's lives and spread wider knowledge.

Hafiz Rancajale, Arkipel'sartistic director, saysthe idea behind the festivalis to have a way to voicecultural problems and a forum to showcase filmmaking accomplishments across the genre.

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There were more than 1,500 submissions for this year's festival in the January-April period that organizersreceived them. Curators then whittled that down to 31. Theyinclude both national and international films, classic and contemporary, in 10curated categories.


The big theme at Arkipel this year issocial-kapital. It is meant to reflect the clash between what are big currents of thought andreality.

There arefive discussion panels that will discuss the latest issues in national films: Criticism in Cinema: Asian Cinema and its latest Social-Politics; Community in Cinema Knowledge Development: Reading the Community Cinema Language; Documentary and Experimental: The Current World Cinema Development; Criticism in Cinema: The Development of Cinema Language in Asia; and Community and Cinema Knowledge Development: The Role of Community in Cinema Development.

Asian Young Curators will present their work: Flor Chantal Eco from Philippines, Nischal Oli from Nepal and Zimu Zhang from China. While the Keynote Speech, Ruth Noacks thesis Once Again--Agency in Cinema will be presented on the forum's opening day atGoetheHaus.

Arkipel will also introduce the new program Candrawala, which focuses only in Indonesias cinema: Local Landscape of Now. It will be screening five Indonesian films curated by Manshur Zikri, based on the latest visual phenomena of Indonesian local context motion pictures.

The officialopening night will go aheadafter the forums are completedon August 19 at 7 p.m. atGoetheHaus. It will feature ascreening of Zone Zero by Farzad Moloudi from Belgium, and a secret special music performance.

The closing ceremony and awards night will be held at the same venue on August 26 at 7 p.m.andwill feature aperformance from the music group Jirapah.

You can check the complete schedule and other details of film screenings at Arkipel.org.

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