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8 Juni 2024 15:25

Holding an event at home, 9 moments of thanksgiving for 7 months of Tengku Dewi's pregnancy without Andrew Andika attending

Tengku Dewi had to hold this thanksgiving event in the middle of her divorce from Andrew Andika. Ferra Listianti
Holding an event at home, 9 moments of thanksgiving for 7 months of Tengku Dewi's pregnancy without Andrew Andika attending

Brilio.net - After exposing the affair case of her husband, Andrew Andika, Tengku Dewi's household continues to be in the spotlight. Even though Tengku Dewi has decided to sue her husband for divorce and has registered with the Cibinong Religious Court, Andrew is adamant that he does not want to be separated from his wife.

For the 36 year old actor, his wife is a figure who always accompanies him in difficult times. This made him not want to part with Tengku Dewi . Moreover, the two of them will soon become parents of two children, considering that currently Tengku Dewi is awaiting the birth of her baby.

"I do all this for the children too, I don't want to be separated. When I'm at the bottom, when I'm down, when I can say I'm not looking at anyone, all kinds of things, he's there for me, " explained Andrew, quoted from YouTube TCK ID, Saturday (8/6).

However, when Tengku Dewi held an event for the 7 months of her second child's pregnancy, Andrew Andika was not present . Through Tengku Dewi's upload on her Instagram, only close relatives and friends were seen at that moment.

The following brilio.net summarizes from various sources on Saturday (8/6), the 7th month of Tengku Dewi's pregnancy.

1. Tengku Dewi held her second pregnancy for 7 months in the middle of her divorce from Andrew Andika. The thanksgiving moment was held simply at his residence.

photo: Instagram/@saribatubara54

2. Through his upload, it can be seen that the 7 monthly thanksgiving was only attended by relatives and close friends.

photo: Instagram/@saribatubara54

3. Meanwhile, Andrew Andika, who previously expressed his desire not to separate from Tengku Dewi, was not present.

photo: Instagram/@saribatubara54

4. Fairuz A Rafiq, a close friend of Tengku Dewi, was also seen present at the thanksgiving moment.

photo: Instagram/@tengkudewi_tdp

5. Not alone, Fairuz A Rafiq also invited her husband and eldest son to attend Tengku Dewi's 7th month of pregnancy.

photo: Instagram/@tengkudewi_tdp

6. "Tasyakuran 7 months of my pregnancy yesterday surronded by good people MasyaAllah," said Tengku Dewi accompanying her upload.

photo: Instagram/@tengkudewi_tdp

7. At that moment, Tengku Dewi remembered what people said as a child about the expression heaven under the mother's feet.

photo: Instagram/@saribatubara54

8. After becoming a mother, Tengku Dewi found the answer regarding this phrase that many people often say.

photo: Instagram/@tengkudewi_tdp

9. She was also grateful to be able to hold an event for the 7th month of pregnancy surrounded by good people. Not to forget, he also showed a portrait of a baby bump that was getting bigger.

photo: Instagram/@tengkudewi_tdp

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