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1 Januari 2016 19:00

Here are top 14 illegally downloaded movies in 2015

Titles from 2014 are even still popular in 2015 Tunggul Kumoro
Here are top 14 illegally downloaded movies in 2015

Brilio.net/en - In 2015, the world movie industry apparently still faces a quite severe problem related to the piracy over the internet. According to data released by Excipio quoted by brilio.net/en from tech insider, Wednesday (30/12), there are at least 14 titles were pirated the most this year.

Titles from the year before like Interstellar and American Sniper are still popular in 2015, while back in 2014, a movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Wolf of Wall Street (2013) topped the list of illegally downloaded movies. So, what about 2015? Check the full list below:

1. Interstellar (2014) 46,762,310 downloads

Paramount Pictures

2. Furious 7 44,794,877 downloads

Universal Pictures

3. Avengers: Age of Ultron 41,594,159 downloads

Marvel Studios

4. Jurassic World 36,881,763 downloads

Universal Pictures

5. Mad Max: Fury Road 36,443,244 downloads

Warner Bros.

6. American Sniper (2014) 33,953,737 downloads

Warner Bros.

7. Fifty Shades of Grey 32,126,827 downloads

Universal Pictures

8. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) 31,574,872 downloads

Warner Bros./MGM

9. Terminator Genisys 31,001,480 downloads

Paramount Pictures

10. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) 30,922,987 downloads

20th Century Fox

11. Focus 26,792,863 downloads

Frank Masi/Warner Bros.

12. San Andreas 26,792,863 downloads

Jasin Boland/Warner Bros.

13. Minions 23,495,140 downloads

Universal Pictures

14. Inside Out 22,734,070 downloads


Original article by Tony Febryanto

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