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31 Juli 2024 16:20

Gritte Agatha's gender reveal moment ended in disaster and she was rushed to the ER, here's the chronology

Karmela Christy, Gritte Agatha's friend, was hit by a ball hit by Arif Hidayat. Ferra Listianti
Gritte Agatha's gender reveal moment ended in disaster and she was rushed to the ER, here's the chronology

Brilio.net - During the pregnancy of her first child, Gritte Agatha did not miss out on undergoing a gender reveal moment to reveal the gender of her baby. Inviting family and close friends, Gritte Agatha's gender reveal moment looked festive with a tennis match-style theme.

Initially, the gender reveal took place normally. Everyone looked happy, preparing their cellphones to record the moment when Arif Hidayat hit the tennis ball to announce the gender of his baby. But suddenly, that happy moment turned into a disaster.

Unfortunately, the tennis ball that Arif Hidayat hit hit the eye of one of his friends, causing him to bruise like he had been hit. People seemed to panic and surrounded Karmela Christy, Gritte Agatha's friend who was hit by Arif Hidayat's ball.

photo: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

The people present immediately surrounded Karmela, who looked shocked when she was hit by a tennis ball. As first aid to reduce bruising, the people around her immediately compressed Karmela Christy's eyes.

photo: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

Even though her eyes were victims, it didn't reduce the happiness of Gritte Agatha's friend at that moment. Karmela even continues to give the best prayers to Gritte and the future baby, who is known to be female.

photo: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

"Everything is fine. There are no dramas like this. Keep away from evil. Amen," prayed Karmela Christy to Gritte's future baby, while stroking her friend's stomach, reported by brilio.net Wednesday (31/7).

For the safety of his friend, Gritte took his friend to the ER for further treatment. While he was at the hospital, it turned out that the bruise on his friend's eye was quite serious. The doctor immediately checked his eyes and gave him medication for treatment.

photo: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

From Karmela's upload, now her eye condition is much better. She can also cover the bruises on her eyes with make up. According to Karmela, this gender reveal had been planned for a long time. In fact, Gritte and her husband also practiced for the tennis ball hitting scene. So according to him, what he experienced was indeed a disaster that just happened to happen to him.

Meanwhile, Gritte on the Instagram page said that the injuries suffered by his friend were starting to get better. It was stated that the bruises occurred due to the effects of trauma. From this incident, Gritte learned a lesson to always be careful and maintain security when holding events.

"YGY update: Sis @karmelachristy has gone to the doctor and been scanned, everything is fine, only blue due to the effects of trauma. The lesson for gender reveal is to pay attention to safety," explained Gritte Agatha.

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