- As is known, the release of Two Blue Lines became a topic of conversation in 2019. This film, produced by Starvision and Wahana Kreator, even managed to enter the 2019 FFI nominations thanks to its interesting characters and story.
After the success of the film Two Blue Lines , Starvision and Wahana Kreator are now working on its sequel, entitled Two Blue Hearts. This film is a continuation of the story of Bima and Dara after they got married and had a child named Adam. This film will tell the twists and turns of their new lives as parents.
The film Two Blue Hearts will also discuss the challenges of taking care of children and the right parenting style for children. Through this film, viewers can also see Bima and Dara's efforts to balance their respective roles as parents, as children of their respective parents, and as each other's life partners.
Not only does it highlight Bima and Dara's household life, the film Dua Hati Biru also depicts the importance of a support system within the family and within the circle of friends. Despite Bima and Dara's challenging lives, Iqi's presence as a friend helped Bima quite a lot. Iqi's character, who tends to be outspoken, actually makes Bima aware of the importance of communication within the family.
The film Two Blue Hearts will air April 17, 2024 Goddess
Producer, screenwriter and director of the film Dua Hati Biru, Gina S. Noer, said that this film depicts a husband and wife who struggle to strengthen their family relationship. Gina also said that this film would relate to couples who are newly married and living in a household.
"Growing as a family doesn't only require love, but also requires knowledge and consistency to apply it. Hopefully this film will add warmth to the families who watch it and be a motivation for those who are starting or just starting a family," said Gina in a press conference, Thursday (4/4 ).
The producer of the film Two Blue Hearts, Chand Parwez Servia, did not expect to receive such great interest from the public in the continuation of the Two Blue Lines story. He hopes that his new film can be a warm moment for viewers who watch it with their families.
The film Two Blue Hearts will air April 17, 2024 Suci
"We hope that this film can become a space for many stories that bring good hope about families, as well as opening up avenues for closer communication," said Chand Parwez Servia.
The director of the film Dua Hati Biru, Dinna Jasanti also hopes that the warmth in this film can be felt by the audience. Apart from that, he also wants the good message of this film to be conveyed well to all audiences.
The actor who plays Bima, Angga Yunanda, also expressed his pleasure at being able to join in the film project Dua Hati Biru again. According to him, Bima's character is the one that sticks most in his memory so far.
The film Two Blue Hearts will air April 17, 2024 Suci
"You could also say that this film was a turning point for me. Bima grew up with me too, so to develop this character you can learn from yourself, about what I have gone through in the past 4 years," said Angga.
This film stars Angga Yunanda as Bima, Aisha Nurra Datau as Dara, Farrel Rafisqy as Adam, Cut Mini as Yuni. Arswendy Bening Swara as Rudy, Lulu Tobing as Rika, Keanu Angelo as Iqi, Rachel Amanda as Dewi, Shakira Jasmine as Vivi, Maisha Kanna as Putri, Putri Ayudya as Ibu Inti, and others.
Dua Hati Biru will soon be shown in all Indonesian cinemas on April 17 2024. The cast will also go on a promotional tour around Jakarta during the Eid holiday period and in several big cities when it is shown in cinemas.