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27 November 2016 15:29

7 Grand Canyon-esque Cliffs In Indonesia

Not be the real thing, but grand all the same. Sabar Artiyono

Brilio.net/en - For those still saving up for the perfect trip to visit the wonders of the Grand Canyon, this list provides several alternative destinations with equally stunning cliffs around Indnoesia. Not as expansive, not the real thing, but equally awe-inspiring.

1. Yogyakarta breccia cliff

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via cah yogya

The 30-meter cliff is one kilometer from Candi Ijo or in Nglengkong, Groyokan, Sambirejo, Prambanan. The place is popular among the young travelers, though keep an eye out for the narrow path it takes to get here.

2. Arosbaya limestone hill

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via To Live, To Learn, To Love, To Leave Legacy

This beautiful cliff is located in Bangkalan, Madura, and is the perfect spot to witness the sunrise.

3. Sekapuk limestone hill

via Kemana Aja Boleeh

Still in East Java, Sekapuk limestone hill in Ujung Pangkah, Gresik, used to be an excavation site, making its walls look like they've been beautiful engraved by miners.

4. Jaddih limestone hill

via inspirasibackpacker

This wonderful limestone hill is also located inBangkalan, Madura,and is 10 kilometers away from Jaddih Village. However, the place is still an active mining site.

5. Brown Canyon

via Semarang Plus

When visitingSemarang, try to stop by the Brown Canyon in Rowosari, Meteseh, Tembalang.

6. Melasti limestone hill

via Piknik Dong

When in Bali, make your way to the Ungasan area in South Bali where you will find limestone clfifs extend along the path leading to Melasti Beach.

7. Pandawa limestone hill

via wisatawan.net

Still in Bali, the road leading to Pandawa Beach is also surroudned by cliffs that makefor a magnificent view, especially with statues carved into them.

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