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18 Oktober 2016 11:31

Three Times A Foreigner Wrote A Song About Indonesian Food

Indonesian food is great and these foreigners are out to convince you. Andry Trysandy Mahany
Three Times A Foreigner Wrote A Song About Indonesian Food

Brilio.net/en - Still have doubtson just how great Indonesian food can be? These foreigners wrote songs about them that might convince you.

1. Fransoa Aku Lapar (Im Hungry)

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There arearound 43 differentIndonesian food mentionedin this songby a French man, Francois Xavier Renou, clad in a punk rock attire in the video. Nasi kuning, nasi liwet, bakso, mie ayam, semur, tumpeng, gado-gado, sayur asem, pepes... you name it!

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2. J20 Indomie

Who doesnt love Indomie? This famous brand of instant noodle is so delicious it's become a local delicacy in its own right and inspired one rapper from Nigeria to upload a videoof him osinging about Indomie on YouTube. He even showed off his Indomie supply in his backpack and in the trunk of his car.

3. Kvitland Nasi Padang

Of course, there just had to be a song about one of the most highly regarded local delicacy: nasi padang. Kvitland, a Norwegian, found himself so hynotized by the strong tastes of this West Sumatran food he composed a love song dedicated to the dish. He went as far as saying he would marry nasi Padang, if it were a human being.

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