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25 Juni 2024 12:45

Expressing his affection, Sarwendah was made to cry when he heard Betrand Peto's request for permission to hold his hand

Hearing the expressions of Betrand's heart and affection, Sarwendah could not help shedding tears. Ferra Listianti
Expressing his affection, Sarwendah was made to cry when he heard Betrand Peto's request for permission to hold his hand

Brilio.net - The news of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's divorce continues to be in the public spotlight. Not a few people brought up the presence of his continued child, Betrand Peto, because it was said to be one of the causes of the breakdown in Ruben and Sarwendah's relationship. This is because the closeness of Sarwendah and Betrand is considered excessive even though they are not related by blood.

However, the gossip that dragged on the name of their next child did not make Sarwendah and Ruben's affection fade. Recently, Sarwendah took her son and two daughters, Thalia and Thania, on holiday to South Korea. The three of them looked happy even without Ruben Onsu's company.

Meanwhile, in one of Sarwendah's podcasts, Betrand expressed the feelings he had been holding back. Betrand expressed his gratitude to Sarwendah and Ruben Onsu who have been his parents and teachers.

photo: YouTube/Sarwendah Official

"Onyo wants to say thank you to my father and mother, I have loved Onyo all this time. I have been Onyo's best teacher all this time, always reminding me if, for example, Onyo makes a mistake," said Betrand, quoted from YouTube Sarwendah Official, Tuesday (25/6).

This 19 year old teenager also apologized to Sarwendah and Ruben for not being the best children for both of them. However, Onyo, he said, would try to make his parents proud.

"I'm sorry that Onyo can't be the best for mom and dad. But Onyo promises, Onyo will do his best to make mom and dad happy," he continued.

photo: YouTube/Sarwendah Official

Onyo also asked Sarwendah for permission to hold his hand. At this moment, Onyo expressed his affection for Sarwendah. Not only does he love his parents, Onyo also said he really loves Sarwendah and Ruben's extended family. Likewise, he loves his extended family in NTT.

"Onyo, if you ask permission, can you hold Mother's hand?" asked Onyo.

"Bun, Onyo really loves his father and mother, don't you know? I love Onyo's father and mother in NTT. I love his sisters here, Thalia, Thania. Opa, Oma there, all the family here, Onyo really loves him. All the Onyo family who are there "In NTT, I really love Onyo, father and mother," he concluded.

Hearing Betrand's expression of heart and affection, Sarwendah couldn't help but shed tears. He was moved to hear the confession from his son. In fact, Sarwendah was so moved that he was unable to speak.

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