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26 Agustus 2024 15:20

Divorced after 18 years of marriage, Andre Taulany's reasons for deciding to marry Rien Wartia are in the spotlight

Before officially filing for divorce, Andre Taulany had revealed his reasons for marrying Rien Wartia or Erin. Khansa Nabilah
foto: Instagram/@andreastaulany

Brilio.net - Andre Taulany has officially filed for divorce from his wife, Rien Wartia Trigina, at the Tigaraksa Religious Court, Tangerang. The lawsuit was registered on April 4, 2024, with case number 1668/pdtg/2024/patigaraksa, marking the end of their 18-year marriage.

The couple has gone through eight court hearings, with the first hearing taking place on April 25, 2024, and the last hearing taking place on August 1, 2024. Despite mediation, both parties remain firm in their desire to separate. The exact reason behind the divorce suit was not disclosed by the court for privacy reasons.

Since before this divorce suit emerged, the household relationship of Andre and Erin, nicknamed Rien Wartia , was often rumored to be disharmonious. Often involved in quarrels, this household that has been running for dozens of years has indeed experienced many tests.

photo: Instagram/@andreastaulany

In an interview, Andre Taulany once revealed the reason why he chose Rien Wartia, who is not from celebrity circles, as his life partner. One of the main considerations was the significant age difference, which is 11 years. According to Andre, his age, which is 11 years older than Rien, can be a reason to lead a household well.

"I thought about being the head of the family and guiding him (Rien Wartia Trigina) because I am 11 years older," said Andre Taulany in an interview on the YouTube channel Curhat Bang Denny Sumargo, reported by brilio.net on Monday (26/8).

In addition, Andre also believes that marrying someone who is not a celebrity will minimize the potential for conflict. Andre believes that marrying a fellow artist may cause more friction in the household.

photo: Instagram/@andreastaulany

Andre's belief was also expressed in the same interview, when he emphasized that the decision to marry a non-celebrity was a decision he made with careful consideration. He had no problem choosing Rien who was still in college at the time.

"At that time I thought, if we were both artists, there would be a lot of conflict. In the past, I didn't want to be with artists and I preferred ordinary people," said Andre.

However, even though these principles are held firmly, Andre admits that there is no guarantee that a marriage will be free from conflict. During their 18 years of marriage, Andre and Rien have tried to live their household relationship with full effort, even though there are still challenges to face.

photo: Instagram/@andreastaulany

Andre said that their married life had been going smoothly and according to the standards of a typical married couple. However, it seems that the test of marriage could not be overcome, until finally Andre decided to file for divorce.

"Marrying him was straightforward, the standard for fathers and mothers in the old days. After the process was underway, we tried our best," he said.

Andre Taulany and Rien Wartia Trigina were married on December 17, 2005. However, their long journey as a married couple finally ended in court, with a divorce suit filed in April 2024.

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