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30 Mei 2024 10:53

Celebrating their first dating anniversary, Okin revealed the contents of PDKT's initial chat with Regina Phoenix

As a form of celebration, Okin showed off his affection through several uploads on his personal Instagram Syeny Wulandari
Celebrating their first dating anniversary, Okin revealed the contents of PDKT's initial chat with Regina Phoenix

Brilio.net - The life of musician Niko Al Hakim or who is often called Okin is often a topic of conversation. After assuming the status of a widower after divorcing Rachel Vennya in February 2021, Okin now has a girlfriend. He is currently having an affair with a beautiful woman named Regina Phoenix .

It doesn't feel like their relationship has been going on for a year now. As a form of celebration, Okin showed off his affection through several uploads on his personal Instagram. Not only that, he also praised his lover using romantically charged sentences.

As is known, after divorcing from his ex-wife, Okin went through difficult times. He was often caught on camera arguing with his ex-wife. Until the end, he met Regina, who seemed able to help Okin get through these difficult times.

photo: Instagram/@okintph

The father of two children seems to feel that since starting a relationship with his lover, he feels comfortable and happy. Although it is undeniable that in relationships there will definitely be bad times, Okin believes that it is part of the phases of life.

Most importantly, he and his partner continue to want to develop together. Okin also thanked Regina for adding color to his life this year.

" Yes, it's also a phase of life, we all have to go through it! The important thing is that we continue to develop together to become even better. Thank you very much for a really exciting year, friends, to many more years together ," wrote Okin in his upload on Instagram @okintph, Thursday (30/5).

photo: Instagram/@okintph

Chat PDKT Okin and Regina Phoenix

Interestingly, in this upload, Okin also revealed the contents of their initial chat before they started dating. Like PDKT people in general, Regina tried to find a topic of conversation.

This woman from Bandung asked about the genre that Okin liked. However, it is not clear whether the genre in question is music or film.

Still in the same chat, Regina also turned out to be confused about the appropriate nickname for her lover. As is known, Okin, who is now 30 years old, is older than his lover, who is still 24 years old.

photo: Instagram/@okintph

Previously, Regina also shared the beginning of her acquaintance with Okin. At that time he was in Bali with his friend.

"At that time I was in Bali with my friend. Then my friend knew Okin. He suddenly said, 'There is someone who wants to come, Okin.' "Finally we met, we got to know each other," said Regina when she was a guest star on the OPRA Entertainment YouTube channel.

The Zirius girl group member said that her meeting with Okin was quite short. They didn't even talk much at that time.

The girl who was born in 2000 was then asked what she liked about Okin. He revealed several points.

"I feel like I'm just continuing to chat. He makes an effort too, he's good with me. Sometimes he makes a lot of effort, so it's like he's just melting down. For example, he wanted to perform in Bandung, but he came 1-2 days before to chat with me," he explained.

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