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28 November 2024 09:05

Bimbim Slank reveals Abdee Negara's latest condition after intensive care

Bimbim Slank shares news about Abdee Negara after treatment. Editor
foto: Instagram/@abdeenegara

Bimbim Slank recently gave an update on the condition of Abdee Negara, Slank's guitarist who was treated intensively in the hospital. Abdee is known to have serious health problems, including autoimmune and kidney failure, which require him to receive intensive medical care.

According to Bimbim, Abdee's condition is much better now. Abdee is currently recovering at home and still routinely undergoes health checks at the hospital.

"Thank God, Mr. Abdee is already an outpatient, but he has to have dialysis every two weeks," said Bimbim when met in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (11/27/2024).

"It's been a week or two weeks (going home)," he added.

Bimbim explained that Abdee received help from a professor who was conducting research. Although Abdee was the first patient in the study, Bimbim was very grateful because the results showed positive developments.

"Thank God, we found a professor who was doing research, one of whom was Abdee, who became a patient, who was called a guinea pig, but thank God it seems to have worked," he said.

Bimbim believes that this treatment can be a very revolutionary breakthrough if successful. He also hopes that Abdee will recover soon. "But if it is successful, this treatment can be revolutionary, let's just pray," he continued.

Seeing Abdee's improving condition, Bimbim is optimistic that Abdee will soon return to fill his position in Slank. If he is not able to appear, Ridho Hafiedz will replace his role.

Bimbim assessed that Ridho could fill the two guitar parts left by Abdee. "So Ridho will fill the two guitar parts. I gave Jimi Hendrix as a reference. Jimi can play guitar alone, Ridho can't," said Bimbim enthusiastically.

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