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8 Agustus 2024 09:25

Audrey Davis' daughter David Bayu's confession about the female role in the exciting video

Two people who spread the exciting video have become suspects. Syeny Wulandari
Audrey Davis' daughter David Bayu's confession about the female role in the exciting video

Brilio.net - Audrey Davis has recently become a public topic of conversation. The daughter of musician David Bayu went viral after an exciting video case allegedly acted by her. This case was then reported by Social Media Observer, Feriyawansyah to Polda Metro Jaya with number LP/B/3944/VII/SPKT/ POLDA METRO JAYA.

The Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) of Polda Metro Jaya then arrested two suspects suspected of spreading the exciting video, namely MRS (22) who is a resident of Gempol, Pasuruan, East Java and JE (35) who is a resident of Nanggalo, Padang, West Sumatra.

After arresting the two suspects, Polda Metro then questioned Audrey Davis. David Bayu's son, alias David Naif, was examined as a witness on Monday (5/8) and Wednesday (7/8). The examination was carried out in order to confirm the exciting video which allegedly resembled Audrey Davis.

photo: Liputan6.com

Now the figure of the actor in the exciting video that caused a stir in cyberspace has finally been revealed. Reporting from Liputan6.com, Audrey Davis admitted to the police that the female actor in the exciting video was herself.

"From the results of the follow-up examination carried out on witness AD, Witness AD admitted that the woman in the video was herself," said the Director of Special Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya, Police Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak.

Ade said that Audrey's follow-up examination lasted 3 hours. Starting at 14.00 WIB until 17.00 WIB.

During the follow-up examination, Cyber Sub-Directorate Investigators at the Metro Jaya Police Criminal Investigation Unit asked 27 questions. Meanwhile, the examination material relates to the alleged distribution of vulgar videos. Audrey Davis's name was also dragged after two people suspected of spreading the video were caught.

"The question to witness AD was related to the alleged criminal act that had occurred, where previously investigators had made efforts to forcefully arrest and detain 2 suspects in handling the aquo case," he said.

photo: YouTube/Liputan6

Ade said that Audrey also handed over several documents to investigators during the examination process. However, Ade was reluctant to reveal in detail the new evidence in question. He reasoned that this matter still needed to be investigated by investigators.

"While we cannot convey this because it is investigative material, we will update developments later," he said.

Regarding the case involving the child, David stated that he would follow the ongoing legal process. Furthermore, David Bayu said that as a parent he would support his child.

"Follow the procedures, and I will hand over Mr. Sandi Arifin (legal representative), " said David Bayu.

"Always support children. The point is always support children. Please pray," he added.

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