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27 November 2024 19:30

Ahmad Dhani-Mulan Jameela were not seen at the polling stations to vote in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election, here's the reason

Ahmad Dhani did not appear to come even though his polling station was next to his house. Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Brilio.net - Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela are often in the public spotlight, especially in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. This is because both of them were not seen casting their votes. This celebrity couple was registered at TPS 025 Pondok Pinang, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. However, until the polling station closed at 13.00 WIB, both of them were not seen at the location.

"Based on the DPT (Permanent Voters List), Ahmad Dhani Prasetyo was indeed registered at TPS 025, but until 13.00 WIB in the afternoon he was not present," said the Head of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) 025, Adi Syahlani, brilio.net reported from merdeka, Wednesday (27/11).

"She (Mulan) is registered here but she has work constraints elsewhere," he added.

According to Adi, the invitation to use the right to vote in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada has been delivered to the person concerned and all members of his family who have the right to vote. Unfortunately, Ahmad Dhani and did not attend TPS 025 to vote for the Jakarta regional head.

photo: Instagram/@ahmaddhaniofficial

Even though as a citizen and public figure in the world of politics and the entertainment industry, his figure is very influential, including in setting an example for society. However, of all the members of Ahmad Dhani's family who attended the 2024 Pilkada, only El Rumi.

"For the families who attended, the only ones who were seen for the current regional elections were Mas El," said Adi.

It was observed that Jalaluddin Rumi arrived at TPS 025 at 08.15 WIB. After voting, El was bombarded with questions regarding his father's presence. As a result, El had time to inform that his father would follow him to the TPS during the day.

"(Ahmad Dhani) hasn't (voted) yet, I think. This afternoon at 10.00 WIB or 11.00 WIB maybe," said El Rumi.

photo: Instagram/@ahmaddhaniofficial

Until TPS 025 was closed, neither Ahmad Dhani nor Mulan Jameela were seen at all. Moreover, the distance of the TPS from the house of the member of the Indonesian House of Representatives was not far, only five steps from their residence. Until now, the reason behind the decision has not been officially disclosed by Ahmad Dhani.

Meanwhile, Mulan Jameela, based on her social media page, was seen since Tuesday (11/26) yesterday, she was focused on performing the Umrah pilgrimage to the holy land of Mecca. The moment while in the Holy Land was not forgotten to be immortalized by the singer of the song Wonder Woman.

photo: Instagram/@mulanjameela1

On his Instagram story page, he wrote a message asking Allah not to stop him from seeking love from the Almighty.

"O Allah, don't stop me from wooing Your love, don't stop me from begging You," wrote Mulan @mulanjameela1.

Not only that, the moment when circling the Kaaba was also immortalized. Where the 45-year-old woman sobbed while struggling to get to the hajarazwat. It was seen from her facial expression that she continued to beg for forgiveness. In addition, she also immortalized the moment when she met her fans in the Holy Land by posing together.

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