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19 Agustus 2016 15:23

7 Ways Hackers Crack Our Wi-Fi Passwords

Watch out for these methods and programs. Andi Rosita Dewi
7 Ways Hackers Crack Our Wi-Fi Passwords

Brilio.net/en -Protect your internet!

1. Amodem router.

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By entering an IP addressanda username, a hacker is already halfway to breaking in. This is the most common and easiest method.

2. Android apps.

Androids open nature means there are plenty of apps designed to breach Wi-Fi networks, like Penetrate Pro. They do this bytracking passwordsautomatically.

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3. WireShark.

This is a popularprogram you can installon a computerthatcan breach Wi-Fino matter how complicated the password is.

4. AirCrack.

This app can be directly harmful to Wi-Fi service providers. Itis capable of changing WEP and WPA passwords and obtaining all thedata on any device connected to the network.

5. CMD Prompt Windows.

This method is usually used by a hacker who has access to the Windows 8 and 10 operating systems. The programCMD Prompt Windows will showthe Wi-Fi network history.

6. CR Wi-Fi

CR Wi-Fi is probably the world's fastest Wi-Fi password scanner, capable of hacking up to 50 routers.

7. Wifislax

Wifislax is aSlackware-based Linux distribution system designed to secure operation and verification of the network. Although the security level is extremely high, it is often abused as a Wi-Fi password hacking device.

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