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22 Januari 2017 12:09

7 Best Places To Enjoy Nature In West Kalimantan

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7 Best Places To Enjoy Nature In West Kalimantan

Though West Kalimantan is not as popular as Bali or Lombok, there are many things to see in this province. Here are some pictures toshow you what West Kalimantan has to offer.

1.Kapuas River

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Image viaInstagram/@emialfian

With 1,143 km length, it is the longest river in Indonesia. While local residents rely on Kapuas for their daily purposes, tourists can enjoy the river from spots provided by the government.

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2.Randayan Island

Image viaInstagram/@uraypascalw

Randayan Island in Singkawang isone of tourists' favorite places to visit during Holiday in West Kalimantan. You can get here via Suak bay or Samudra Indah beach using motorboat for only 30 minutes. With its clear blue water and quiet athmosphere, this island is perfect for those wanting to find peace and stay away from city noise.

3.Rombo Dair Waterfall

Image viaInstagram/@uthezeno

Rombo Dait in Skendal, Air Besar, Landak, West Kalimantan has been famous since 2015. It has a seven-level waterfall that is also a part of Dait river. Reaching this waterfall is a bit of challenge as you have to go through steep roads, but its natural beauty makes the effort worth it.

4.Pak Kasih Tayan Bridge

Image viaInstagram/@aliahusnah

It is the longest bridge in Kalimantan and the second longest in Indonesia after Suramadu bridge in East Java. The bridge in Tayan Hilit, Sanggau, West Kalimantan connects West Kalimantan with several provinces in the island.

People come not only to cross but also to take selfie and even have picnic near the bridge.

5.Lemukutan Island

Image viaInstagram/@zenacantiek

Local government dubbed this island as a tourist village. You can jump into the blue water and take pictures with corals.

6.Sirin Punti Waterfall

Image viaInstagram/@nuranisamaliki

The waterfall in Kelampuk, Meragun, West Kalimantan provides visitors with fresh air and beautiful view.

7.Jamur Bengkayang Hill

Image viaInstagram/@delvistepani

People call this place as a land above the clouds. Youcan reach this place by riding motorbike for four hours from Pontianak to Bengkayang, West Kalimantan. After taking a walk for 1.5 hours, you will be able to enjoy the wonderful view.

This place has become a favourite place to go since 2014 and people usually go here for a camping. There is no entrance fee but you are expected to maintain the cleanliness.

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