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23 April 2016 13:37

6 Landscapes you wouldn’t believe aren’t fake!

You won’t even believe they’re true! Celia Tholozan
6 Landscapes you wouldn’t believe aren’t fake!

Brilio.net/en - These places are so incredibly stunning from the beauty of their colours, to the aspect nature gave them or even by the dangers they represent. You wont even believe theyre true!

1. The Hell door in Turkmenistan

Mysterious and rare fairy circles discovered in Western Australia

Image via demotivateur.fr

Literally a natural burning gas field! Not entirely natural since it has been turn on by soviets scientists a while ago, but the burning effect is real, and the consequences of you getting too close to the door are too!

8 Wonderful photos to reveal the surreal world we’ve never knew

2. Wai-O-Tapu Geothermal Wonderland in New Zealand

Image viawillcopestakemedia.files.wordpress.com

Located in the centre of the island, Wai-O-Tapu is one of the most surprising geothermal parks due to the colour difference of the water. You dont want to miss the Lady Knox, a geyser throwing water up to 20 metres high!

Image viaourbigfattraveladventure.com

3. Natron Lake in Tanzania

Image viatailsofwonders.com

The salty lake is not so popular because hidden in a valley. You will find the biggest population of flamingos that fed upon the blue seaweed that comes from the region. The water is indeed highly charged in micro-organism helping the seaweed to proliferate and given this particular colour to the water!

Image viaamusingplanet.com

4. Danakil depression in Eritrea

Image viaturkiyeforumlari.net

Covering an area of 4000 km, this part of Eritrea is one of the lowest and hottest places on earth. It is located 155m under the sea level and is surrounded by hills reaching 4000m.

Image viaturkiyeforumlari.net

5. Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in the USA

Image viaadventureswithdan.com

The famous so-called Waves of the Vermilion Cliffs are famous for their incredibly perfect lines. Hiking around this national park feels like walking on another planet!

6. Pamukkale thermal waters in Turkey

Image viahtrturkeytours.com

The Cotton castle" (in Turkish) is a natural and very unusual geological creation. The fountains, pools and waterfalls that its consisted of look like ice but the white cold aspect is actually due to the tufa deposits, a soft rock formed from volcanic ash.

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