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10 Mei 2016 14:41

5 Indonesian actors who don’t seem to age

Age is probably not a big problem to these people. Petra Hapsari
5 Indonesian actors who don’t seem to age

Brilio.net/en - Everybody will eventually grow old. Even though some people say that age is only a matter of numbers, many of us still would rather not to look old. That is why a lot of people try to keep themselves young by using some anti-aging products, living a healthy life-style, or even having surgery.

But age is probably not a big problem to these people. Here, we will show you five Indonesian actors that do not seem to age.

5 Indonesian celebrities who died too young

1. Irgy Ahmad Fahrezy

Image via gosiprumahan

Beautiful transformation of the actress of ‘Eneng dan Kaos Kaki Ajaib’

The Indonesian actor and MC was born in Jakarta, May 12th, 1976. He is now married and has two children.

2. Raffi Ahmad

Image via quotesgram

Born on February 17th, 1987, Raffi looks young than his age. He was married to fellow actress, Nagita Slavina in 2014. The couple has a cute son, Rafathar Malik Ahmad.

3. Ricky Harun

Image via instagram/rickyharun

Like mother like son. They do not seem to have any problems with age. The son of beautiful Indonesian senior actress, Donna Harun often play roles which is actually much younger than his age. The husband of Herfiza Novianti was born on January 12, 1987.

4. Steve Immanuel

Born in October 17th, 1983, Steve is of mixed descent. His mother is an American, and his father is from Bandung, Indonesia. Doesnt he look like someone in his early 20s?

5. Nicky Tirta

The last man on this list, Nicky Tirta was born on April 27th, 1983 but he still looks much younger than his age, doesnt he? Unfortunately, he is taken, ladies. He is married to Miss Indonesia Earth 2010, Liza Elly.

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