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26 Agustus 2016 14:22

5 Celebrity Families That Became A Reality Show

'Kardashians' success has sparked shows across Asia. Sabar Artiyono
5 Celebrity Families That Became A Reality Show

Brilio.net/en - Somehow, anything done by celebrities always attracts attention of people. So do reality shows, and after the Kardashians burst onto the scene, family reality shows sprung up everywhere.

Here are five family reality shows that are big in Asia.

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1. Keluarga A5.

This reality show tells the daily life of Anang, Ashanty, Auriel, Azriel and Arsy. Keluarga A5 premiered on YouTube on July 20, 2016.

2. The Parengkuans.

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This reality program consists of 25 episodes that show life in Erwin Parengkuan's household. Aired on vidio.com, The Parengkuansshowshow Erwin manages a modern family.

3. Safeea Anak Jameela.

Aired on ANTV, Safeea Anak Jameela focuses on telling the daily life of rock star Ahmad Dhani's daughter Safeea and her family. The show was reprimanded by theIndonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) because of Safeea's "inappropriate" behavior.

4. Keeping Up With the Kardasians.

The 'show of shows' in this genre.Kardashians, which is in its 12th season, is the model for most of these other shows.

5. The Return of Superman

This South Korean program shows celebritytaking care of theirchildren without anyone's help. Celebrities who've appeared on theshow include Lee Hwi-jae, Ki Tae-young, Lee Beom-soo, Oh Ji-ho and In Gyo-jin.

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