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21 September 2016 15:00

10 Best Museums In Yogyakarta

Do you disagree with our list? You heathen. Nur Romdlon
10 Best Museums In Yogyakarta

Brilio.net/en - There are about45 museums in Yogyakarta, so we've narrowed them down.

1. Ullen Sentalu Museum

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According to TripAdvisor, Ullen Sentalu Museum is the second best museum in Indonesia in 2016. Ullen Sentalu is the acronym of Ulating Blecong Sejatine tataraning Lumaku which means the light of humans life.

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The museum located in Jalan Boyong, Kaliurang will let you know more about Javanese culture. Inaugurated in 1997, the museum shows various collection of Mataram Kingdoms cultures. Here you will see paintngs, traditional music instruments, collections of pictures, mail archives, and batik fabrics arranged artistically.

It has a room named Putri Dambaan filled by the album showing the life of Gusti Nurul. On her 81th birthday back in 2002, she inaugurated the room filled with pictures of her childhood to her wedding.

2. Sonobudoyo Museum

Image viasonobudoyo.com

This is the second most complete museum after National Museum of Indonesia in Jakarta. It has 62,661 collections including collections of geology, biology, ethnography, archeology, art, and many more. Not just showing Javanese culture, but also Balinese, Maduranese, and Lomboknese. Here, you will go to 12 rooms filled with collections of wayang, kris to codices.

3. Affandi Museum

Image viaindonesia-tourism.com

The museum saving collections of Indonesian famous artist Affandi is the right place for you to go if you are a big fan of paintings. It has around more than 2,000 paintings he made himself and he also designed the building himself. For your information, you can also visit Caf Loteng which is inside the museum while you are admiring Affandis artworks.

4. Keraton Yogyakarta Museum

Image viarentalmobilyogyakarta.net

There are museums inside this museum. Yes! This place has several small museums starting from batik museum, crystal museum, paintings and pictures museum, and Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX museum. You will see around more than 1,500 collections here and one of the most see collections is a painting of Sultan made by Raden Saleh which is said that the gaze of the painting will look like staring at you from any angle. Wow!

5. Vredeburg Museum

Image viawisatanesia.co

This museum once used by Dutch troops to withstand from the attack of Keraton Yogykarta and became the military headquarter or the Army of Republic of Indonesia. Built in 1760 by the Dutch government, it was named as Rustenburg Fort. Then, in 1867 this fort was renovated after damaged by an earthquake and its name was changed into Vredeburg Fort.

6. Anak Kolong Tangga Museum

Image viageretkoper.com

The museum has various kinds of toys keeping abreast of the developments of toys. That is why you would find a lot of toys starting from the old to the new ones. They also keep collections of Indian dolls, Taiwan dolls, and toys from the end of 18 century in China. It absolutely will be the place for you to introduce toys to your little brother/sister, nieces/nephews, and your kids.

7. Gunung Merapi Museum

Image viayogyakarta.panduanwisata.id

It has been designed as the center of information, researches, and tourism of volcanoes. Here you will find out about types of volcanoes and their eruptions. Moreover, artifacts of Mount Merapis 2006 eruption such as motorbikes, household appliances, and pictures of 2010 eruption are also here.

8. Taman Tino Sidin Museum

Image viatamantinosidin.net

Tino Sidin is an Indonesian artist who performed in a famous 70s-80s TV Show, Gemar Menggambar aired by TVRI. He was famous in these eras.

9. Tembi Rumah Budaya Museum

Image viadisbudpar.bantulkab.go.id

Another good museum for you who want to know more about Javanese culture. Here you can see the collections of Javanese wayang, kris, spears, swords, and many more. Manuscripts written in Javanese language such as Babad Tanah Jawi is also here. For additional information, they also open classes to learn geguritan (Javanese poems), pranatacara (Master of Ceremony), and other Javanese culture.

10. Istana Kepresidenan Yogyakarta Museum

Image viayogyakarta.panduanwisata.id

It was used as a presidential palace during Dutch military aggression on January 3, 1946. There is a room called Ruang Garuda which was used to welcome the countrys official guests. Queen Elizabeth II, President Rajendra Prasad from India, French President F Mitterand, and Emperor Akihito from Japan once were here.

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