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20 Desember 2024 04:10

Without expensive treatments, the trick to preventing gray hair and keeping hair black is to use just 1 kitchen spice.

Genetic factors also determine when a person's hair begins to turn white. Anindya Kurnia
Without expensive treatments, the trick to preventing gray hair and keeping hair black is to use just 1 kitchen spice. foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Gray hair is a change in hair color caused by the loss of melanin pigment in hair follicles. As we age, the production of melanin, which gives color to hair, skin, and eyes, naturally decreases. As a result, the hair that grows becomes white or gray, known as gray hair.

This process is part of biological aging that happens to everyone. However, the appearance of gray hair is not only caused by age. Genetic factors play a big role in determining when a person's hair begins to turn white.

In addition to genetic factors, stress is also believed to accelerate the appearance of gray hair, although this is still a much-debated topic. Chronic stress can affect hormonal balance and overall body health, which in turn can affect hair pigment.

In addition, poor diet, deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B12, iron, and copper, can also accelerate the appearance of gray hair. Exposure to pollution, smoking, and an unhealthy lifestyle can even accelerate the aging process of skin and hair, including the appearance of gray hair.

Even so, there is no need to worry, because the growth of gray hair can actually be prevented or delayed. One of them is by treating it with natural ingredients. As shared by a TikToker with the account name @advicejo.

photo: TikTok/@advicejo

The upload contains a trick to prevent gray hair from appearing so that hair remains black using only 1 kitchen spice. The kitchen spice in question is ginger. Come on, see how to make it below, which briliobeauty.net launched on Wednesday (12/18).


- A piece of ginger
- 1 cup hot water

photo: TikTok/@advicejo

How to make and use:

1. Wash the ginger until clean.
2. Peel the ginger from its skin.
3. Grate the ginger until it is completely smooth.
4. Put the grated ginger in a clean container.
5. Add hot water and stir until the ginger dissolves.
6. Let it sit until the water cools down.
7. Transfer to a spray bottle for easier use.
8. Spray thoroughly onto hair roots.
9. Massage gently and let stand for 30 minutes.
10. Rinse using shampoo
11. Use this ginger hair spray regularly 2-3 times a week to get hair that stays black and free of gray hair.

photo: TikTok/@advicejo

The content and benefits of ginger to prevent the appearance of gray hair.

Ginger is known to have various health benefits, including preventing the appearance of gray hair. This is thanks to the antioxidant content and essential nutrients in ginger, such as vitamin B complex, magnesium, and phosphorus.

B vitamins, especially B6 and B12, play a role in increasing red blood cell production and maintaining healthy hair follicles, which can prevent a decrease in the production of melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color. Additionally, ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties that can increase blood circulation to the scalp, improving overall hair health.

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