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7 Juni 2024 23:25

Without expensive lasers, this combination of Kelly Pearl Cream and olive oil makes your face free of black spots

Black spots can appear due to pollution or the effects of aging. Anindya Kurnia
Without expensive lasers, this combination of Kelly Pearl Cream and olive oil makes your face free of black spots foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Black spots or ephelis are blackish brown spots that usually appear on the surface of the facial skin. This skin problem is formed due to an increase in melanin due to the bad effects of sun exposure and free radicals.

The main factor causing black spots on the face is exposure to direct sunlight on skin that is not protected by sunscreen. The reason is that Indonesia is a tropical country with high intensity sunlight, so black spots on facial skin have a high potential to appear.

Not only that, black spots can also appear due to pollution, the effects of aging, and skin sensitivity due to the use of unsuitable makeup products. So, if you are already experiencing this black spot problem, there is no need to worry. You can overcome this in various ways, such as using skincare, doing laser treatment at a beauty clinic, and using natural ingredients.

Laser treatment is an instant solution to remove black spots on the face. Even though it is effective, this treatment requires a lot of money. In fact, you have to do it repeatedly to get optimal results.

photo: TikTok/@bindiatamayo5

If you don't want to dig too deep into your pockets to do this treatment, you can copy the trick shared by a TikTok user with the account name @bindiatamayo5. In the uploaded video, the account owner uses Kelly Pearl Cream mixed with olive oil to remove black spots on the face. Here's how to make and use it, which briliobeauty.net reported from the TikTok account @bindiatamayo5, Friday (7/6).


- Kelly Pearl Cream to taste
- 1-2 drops of olive oil

photo: TikTok/@bindiatamayo5

How to create and use:

1. Mix Kelly Pearl Cream with olive oil
2. Stir both until evenly mixed
3. Wash your face first until it is completely clean of dirt and makeup residue
4. Dry your face using a towel
5. Apply a mixture of Kelly cream and olive oil to the face thoroughly
6. Use overnight
7. Do this method regularly every day to get a shiny face free of black spots.

photo: TikTok/@bindiatamayo5

Contains Kelly Pearl Cream to fade the appearance of black spots on the face.

Kelly Pearl Cream is a facial whitening cream formulated to even out skin tone while treating various facial skin problems. This cream contains natural ingredients, such as pearls, aloe vera extract, and vitamin E, which are effective in brightening facial skin, fading blemishes and black spots, and moisturizing the skin.

Benefits of olive oil for treating black spots.

Olive oil contains squalene, oleocanthal, and vitamin E. These various ingredients are what make olive oil effective in moisturizing and brightening the skin, as well as treating black spots on the face. Not only that, olive oil can also increase collagen production in the skin to keep it firm and youthful.

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