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25 April 2024 15:10

Without dark spot serum, this is how to fade black spots on the face using only 3 kitchen ingredients

This condition is characterized by black or brownish spots on several parts of the face. Anindya Kurnia
Without dark spot serum, this is how to fade black spots on the face using only 3 kitchen ingredients foto: TikTok/@aayuaaru12

Brilio.net - Apart from acne, black spots are also a fairly disturbing facial skin problem. The reason is, this skin problem can make the face look less smooth and have an uneven color. As a result, the appearance becomes less than optimal and the sufferer's self-confidence decreases.

The part of the body that is susceptible to black spots is the face. Not without reason, the face has thin skin and is susceptible to exposure to free radicals. This condition is characterized by black or brownish spots on several parts of the face. Many factors cause the appearance of black spots.

Such as excessive sun exposure, the aging process, cosmetics, genetics, and pollution. The more often the face is exposed to sunlight without protection, the greater the risk of black spots appearing. Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy skin by using sunscreen before doing outdoor activities.

If you don't use sunscreen, your skin will naturally form protection from the dangers of sunlight by producing excessive melanin. Melanin triggers the appearance of black spots called black spots on the surface of the skin. This condition is also often called hyperpigmentation.

There are many methods that can be used to fade or remove black spots. Starting from treatments at beauty clinics, using skincare products specifically for dark spots or black spots, to using natural ingredients. One skincare product that is often used to treat black spots is dark spot serum.

Dark spot serums generally contain active ingredients that can help fade stubborn black spots on the face. But unfortunately, not everyone is suitable for using dark spot serums sold on the market because they contain very high chemical ingredients. Another solution, you can use natural ingredients which are no less effective if used regularly.

As shared by a TikTok user with the account name @aayuaaru12 on May 2 2021, which contains information about how to fade black spots on the face area using only 3 kitchen ingredients. The kitchen ingredients in question are plain yoghurt, granulated sugar and lemon juice.

photo: TikTok/@aayuaaru12

Contains plain yoghurt to fade black spots.

One of the benefits of yogurt for skin health is that it fades stubborn black spots. Even though it is known to be able to reduce wrinkles and eradicate acne, yogurt is also useful for treating dark spots on the face (including black spots) and making it brighter and more even. This is thanks to the content of various vitamins, zinc and lactic acid in it.

Benefits of granulated sugar to treat black spots on the face.

Not only does it act as a sweetener, granulated sugar also has various benefits for skin beauty, one of which is the face. The content of glycolic acid and alpha hydroxy acid in sugar can clean dead skin cells and help increase skin regeneration. Its properties as an exfoliant are also able to treat various blemishes on the face such as black spots and black spots so that the face becomes brighter and more even.

It turns out that lemon can brighten the face by fading the appearance of black spots.

Lemon is a citrus fruit that is known to be rich in vitamin C and citric acid. It's not surprising that this fruit has a multitude of benefits for the skin. One of the benefits of lemon is to fade black spots on the face. As reported on the Healthline page, lemons are rich in vitamin C which can brighten the face, including black spots. The vitamin C content in lemons can work well to help fade black spots, acne scars and spots on the face due to aging skin.

With just these three ingredients, you can make a face scrub which is believed to be effective in fading black spots so that your face becomes evenly bright. Come on, see how to make and use it, as briliobeauty.net reported from the TikTok account @aayuaaru12, Thursday (25/4).

photo: TikTok/@aayuaaru12

- Plain yoghurt to taste
- 1-2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
- 1 lemon (cut into 2 parts)

How to create and use:

1. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt and makeup residue
2. Apply yoghurt to the face thoroughly
3. Pour granulated sugar over the lemon then rub it on the face where the yoghurt has been applied
4. Rub gently using circular movements for 1 minute
5. Leave it for a few minutes then rinse with water until clean
6. Continue using moisturizer
7. Do this method regularly 2 times a week to get a smooth face and free of black spots.

photo: TikTok/@aayuaaru12

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