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30 Mei 2024 16:10

Without chemical peeling, this beauty vlogger shares how to treat spotty hands using 1 type of plant

This type of plant has powerful ingredients to even out skin tone. Devi Aristyaputri
Without chemical peeling, this beauty vlogger shares how to treat spotty hands using 1 type of plant foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Having an attractive appearance is not only focused on facial care, but also other body parts such as the feet and hands. Caring for the skin of your hands is important, so that your hands don't look dull, dry and spotty . Hands are a part of the body that is at high risk of exposure to sunlight when doing outdoor activities.

Indeed, basically the skin needs sunlight to produce vitamin D which is good for bones. However, if exposure to sunlight occurs continuously it can cause the skin to burn and experience discoloration. You need to know, exposure to sunlight can produce more melanin.

Therefore, excessive sun exposure can change skin color to become darker . Not only that, exposure to sunlight can also reduce skin elasticity, resulting in the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Apart from that, dull skin can also be caused by wounds or injuries. Wounds on the skin such as abrasions, burns, and infections can also make your skin lose pigment or become dark. Even though it gives a quite disturbing appearance, you can get rid of the striped skin caused by wounds.

Well, there are various ways to even out striped skin, starting with chemical peels and laser therapy. Even so, there is another, more economical solution to dealing with striped hands in a natural way, namely using a scrub made from natural ingredients. One YouTube user @pihuofficials08 shows how to treat striped hands with aloe vera, turmeric powder, mixed with shampoo and mustard oil.

Aloe vera has wound healing benefits, because it contains polysaccharides which can stimulate the growth of new skin cells and increase collagen production, so that wounds can heal quickly. This content is also effective in removing black spots due to aging.

Meanwhile, aloe vera also contains antioxidants which can ward off free radicals that cause striped skin. The antioxidant content is also able to increase collagen production so it is believed to maintain skin elasticity.

The second ingredient, namely turmeric powder, is also claimed to be able to brighten striped skin. This is because turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatories which can fight free radicals that cause dull and patchy skin. Apart from that, the antibacterial properties in turmeric are effective in killing acne-causing bacteria.

Meanwhile, the presence of shampoo in this scrub is claimed to be able to even out the skin. Reporting from typeset.io, shampoo can maintain moisture and whiten the skin if the product contains natural ingredients such as coconut oil, essential oils and rice extract. These three natural ingredients are claimed to make skin smooth and brighten the skin.

Then the next ingredient is mustard oil which is believed to help even out skin tone. According to bebeautiful.in, mustard oil contains vitamins that can lighten dark spots and control hyperpigmentation. The antioxidant content in mustard oil is effective in protecting against sun exposure and evens out skin tone.

Interested in using it? Come on, look at the steps below as summarized by briliobeauty.net from the YouTube channel @pihuofficials08, Thursday (30/5).


photo: YouTube/@pihuofficials08

- 1/4 aloe vera
- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 1 teaspoon of shampoo
- 1 teaspoon mustard oil

How to make:

photo: YouTube/@pihuofficials08

1. Cut the aloe vera skin on the side
2. Split the aloe vera in the middle
3. Sprinkle turmeric powder on the aloe vera
4. Pour in shampoo
5. Add mustard oil
6. Apply to hands.

How to use:

photo: YouTube/@pihuofficials08

1. Make sure your hands are clean and dry
2. Apply aloe vera and other ingredients
3. Rub it for a few minutes
4. Wait for 10 minutes
5. Rinse your hands using plain water and dry
6. Use this natural scrub regularly so that you get the desired skin beauty results.

Tricks to avoid striped skin on your hands when riding a motorbike

Treating patchy hand skin doesn't just rely on chemical peeling treatments and natural ingredients. However, there are tricks you can use to ensure your hands don't get streaky when riding a motorbike.

First, don't forget to use gloves. You can use a sarong in any color or model. Apart from that, now there are also gloves equipped with UV protection, so that the skin is not easily exposed to sunlight.

Second, wear long or closed clothes when driving. This method is enough to prevent direct exposure to sunlight. If necessary, you can wear an anti-UV jacket which prevents sunlight from penetrating your skin at all.

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