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25 Maret 2016 10:05

What does your handwriting say about your personality?

How people craft their letters and words can indicate more than 5.000 different personality traits Retno Wulandari
What does your handwriting say about your personality? © realsimple.com

Brilio.net/en - Have you ever wonder why they always want you to fill the form of job application even though youve sent a fully-comprehensive resume when applying for a job? Ever think that your handwriting might say things about you? In fact, your handwriting is revealing a lot more about you than you might think.

According to the science of graphology, or also known as the art of handwriting analysis, how people craft their letters and words can indicate more than 5.000 different personality traits. This simple handwriting analysis might bring about an idea of who you are.

Children who live away from home might get these benefits

Just begin by writing out this sentence in cursive (because it gives the analyzer a better read on a person):

Sally sells seashells by the seashore near a group of whacky magazine sellers

And heres the verdict:

The perks of being a firstborn daughter

1. Where your writing slants

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To the right: You are friendly, sentimental and impulsive. Youre open to the world around you and highly value friends and family.

To the left: You are introspective and preserved, a more me-oriented person. You are generally a single fighter who likes to work alone or behind the scenes. If you are right-handed and your handwriting slants to the left, you may be expressing rebellion.

No slant: You are ruled by logic instead of emotion. Being very solid and pragmatic, you tend to be practical. You are guarded with your emotions.

2. The size of your letters

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Large: You have a big personality and being people-oriented, you want to feel understood and noticed. Many celebrities have large handwriting. It may suggest that you are outgoing and love to be in the spotlight.

Small: You are focused and can concentrate easily. You tend to be introspective and introverted.

Average: You are well-adjusted and adaptable.

3. What your upper loops look like

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Retraced l (meaning the upstroke overlaps the downstroke): Feeling tense? This implies you are restricting yourself in some way. You may have had your hopes and dreams ignored.

Fully-looped l: You are spontaneous and relaxed and find it easy to express yourself. You have big hopes and dreams for the future.

Retraced e: You tend to be skeptical and are unbiased by emotional arguments.

Fully-looped e: You have an open mind, adaptable and enjoy trying new things.

Retraced t: You dont accept critics easily, tend to be sensitive, and might be paranoid.

Fully-looped t: You are a good worker, disciplined and self-controlled.

4. How your s look

Round: You are a people-pleaser and seek for compromise. You avoid confrontation. Be careful not to bargain your standards easily.

Pointy at peak: You are an intellectual, curious and love to learn new things. The higher and pointier the peaks, the more ambitious you are.

Open at the bottom: You might not be following your heart. For example, you always wanted to be a dancer, but you have a career in finance.

Printed: You are versatile.

5. How thick is the line?

Heavy pressure: If you write with heavy pressure with the pen, it indicates that you have strong emotions and feel things very intensely. You can be quick to react to critics.

Light pressure: If your writing is faint like a bad photocopy, it means that youre adaptive, move easily from place to place, empathetic but also the lack of vitality.

6. How your lowercase y and g look?

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Slender y and g: You are an introvert who is selectively social. It means you are selective in who you call a good friend.

Broad y and g: You are extrovert with a broad circle of friends.

Long y and g: You are a world traveler (or, at least, have the aptitude)

Short y and g: You love to be at home, surrounded with those familiar to you.

7. The space between letters

Narrow space: Indicates that you are logical, methodical and tend make decisions carefully (usually takes pretty long time). You cant stand to be alone. You tend to mingle with crowds and intrusive.

Wide space: You are intuitive and intelligent. You enjoy your freedom and couldnt bear with restrictions and crowded situations for a long time.

8. How you dot your lowercase i

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High over your i: You have a great imagination

Slash over your i: You dont have a lot of patient for inadequacy

Circle over your i: You are visionary, playful and child-like

Right over the i: You are detail-oriented, organized, and emphatic in what you say and do.

9. How you cross your lowercase t

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At the very top: Youre ambitious, optimistic, and have a good self-esteem. You set your goals high up in the sky.

Right in the middle: You are confident and feel comfortable under your own skin.

Low at the bottom: You aim low and have strong insecurities

Long cross: You are very determined and enthusiastic. However, you tend to be stubborn and have hard times letting things go.

Short cross: You tend to be lazy and lack of determination.

10. How your lowercase o look

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Open o: You are talkative, social, expressive, and have a little secrecy.

Closed o: You are an introvert who is very private, deep, and have a hard time sharing or expressing.

11. Speed

If you write rather quickly, it indicates that youre impatient, dislike delays and time wasters.

If you write more slowly, it means you are organized, methodical and self-reliant.

12. If your signature is...

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Hard to read: Just as the same as your signature, youre hard to read, very private and often misunderstood.

Readable: You are confident and comfortable in your own skin. You dont need to pretend to be something you are not.

Thats all what your handwriting says about you. If you have something to add, do comment! If you enjoy your analysis, do share.

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