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3 Juni 2016 17:51

This 3-minute test will reveal your personality!

In just a few minutes, this test will tell you about yourself and how you see the world around. Celia Tholozan
This 3-minute test will reveal your personality! ©Pixhome

Brilio.net/en - When it comes to describing ourselves, we are often very confused and it is very hard to be objective. Despite the difficulty it is for us to truly see ourselves as we really are, it can actually be very helpful in everyday life to know more about the kind of person we are, how we truly see things and especially what our expectations are for the future.

This is how the Japanese test of the cube can be a bit of a help. In just a few minutes, this test (that has to be done in a very spontaneous way) will tell you about yourself and how you see the world around.

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These kind of tests are booming all over the web, and some are largely criticised. The cube has been especially criticised as it is often used by professional pick up artist to entice women, especially. But it makes it even more interesting in my opinion.

The test has been denounced for actually being a pick up technique coming from a book which title couldnt be clearer about the future readers intentions: get in her mind, get in her bed. Despite everything, I personally took the test out of curiosity and found it quite accurate. Even if its not life changing, or revealing or particularly helpful its still entertaining and it only takes three minutes!

The first part relates to your personality and the image you have of yourself. Then there is a part dedicated to friendship and relationships, and finally one about your future aspirations.

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From my own experience, it is simpler to get a piece of paper and simply the steps of the video (released by Buzzfeed and available here). If you want a more in-depth explanation, you can find many different interpretations of all the symbols on the Internet.

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