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26 Juni 2024 13:11

The first time the embroidery was traumatized, this girl's eyebrows were even slanted and not symmetrical

Unfortunately, not everyone who does eyebrow embroidery ends well. Brilio.net
The first time the embroidery was traumatized, this girl's eyebrows were even slanted and not symmetrical foto: TikTok/@viaviveria

Brilio.net - Facial make-up feels imperfect if the appearance of the eyebrows is not neat and thick. The reason is, thick and neat eyebrows are one of the things that support your appearance, because they become the focal point of your face. It's not surprising that many people pay great attention to the shape of their eyebrows.

To make eyebrows look thicker and neater, most people will use an eyebrow pencil. But unfortunately, not everyone is an expert at drawing eyebrows using an eyebrow pencil. The solution is that quite a few people actually do eyebrow embroidery to keep their eyebrows on point without having to draw them again.

Eyebrow embroidery is a beauty treatment that aims to shape the eyebrows using micropigmentation technology. By doing this treatment, you will get neater, thicker and more precise eyebrows.

Quoting from The Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals website, unlike eyebrow tattoos which penetrate deep layers of skin, eyebrow embroidery only affects the outermost layer of skin, namely the epidermis. Even so, eyebrow embroidery pigment can last for 2 years, you know.

Unfortunately, not everyone who does eyebrow embroidery ends well. Some actually end up bored and sad, and end up traumatized. Like the story shared by a girl via her personal TikTok account @viaviveria.

Through this upload, he shared the story of his first eyebrow embroidery which ended in a zonk. The reason is, instead of getting neat and precise eyebrows, the eyebrows are actually slanted and not symmetrical.

photo: TikTok/@viaviveria

"I've had these ugly eyebrows for 2 months, I'm sorry, God," he wrote in the caption of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net reported from the TikTok account @viaviveria, Wednesday (26/6).

The story begins when the girl finished having her eyebrows embroidered. The girl, known as Via, revealed that it was her first time doing eyebrow embroidery. Instead of getting perfect eyebrows, the eyebrows are actually slanted with different right and left heights.

photo: TikTok/@viaviveria

This really frustrated him. While waiting several days during the peel off process for her eyebrow embroidery, she hoped that the ink or eyebrow embroidery pigment would not get into her skin. However, it turns out that the eyebrow embroidery pigment remains thick even though it has gone through the peel off process.

This condition made him increasingly frustrated to the point of not being confident. As a result, he was determined to apply calusol cream in an effort to fade the pigment of his eyebrow embroidery.

photo: TikTok/@viaviveria

"I was so frustrated that I used CALUSOL fish eye medication to make it pop," said Via.

Even though the method is quite dangerous, it turns out that using calusol cream makes the eyebrow embroidery pigment fade more. So, to make your eyebrows more precise, Via uses an eyebrow pencil and concealer to make them look neater.

"Well, it looks like the edges have been concealed so it doesn't look like it's slanted, like my brain is slanted hahaha," said Via.

Over time, Via's eyebrow embroidery pigment faded, so she no longer needed to use concealer and could trim her eyebrows just using an eyebrow pencil. This experience made Via give up on doing eyebrow embroidery, and decided to rely on an eyebrow pencil to tidy up and thicken her eyebrows.

photo: TikTok/@viaviveria

"But if you don't use an eyebrow pencil, you'll still look like this, but that's okay, it's better than when you were locked in January, in a LDR, JINGJIT cried so much wahahahaha," concluded Via.

Via's sad story went viral automatically, reaching 1.4 million views and inviting various reactions from netizens.

" I experienced eyebrow embroidery in 2015, now you can still see the shape of the embroidery ," said the account @pradaniva.

" I also really regret that I changed the high eyebrow embroidery back and forth ," said the account @viiabee_.

" Haaaa, that's how it is, fortunately I don't do eyebrow embroidery, apart from being expensive, I'm afraid of needles ," said the account @deaninamahendra87.

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