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30 Juni 2024 09:00

The face was smooth during the first treatment, the story of the girl doing Dermapen the second time ended up being miserable

Not everyone who undergoes Dermapen treatment is successful in getting the face they want. Anindya Kurnia
foto: TikTok/@wnnr11

Brilio.net - There are various treatments or facial treatments that are carried out to support your appearance. Such as facials, facial lasers, injections, and others. These various treatments can make the skin look bright, smooth, firm and glowing.

Well, one treatment that is in great demand is Dermapen. Dermapen is a beauty treatment performed for skin care using the micro-needling technique. This treatment is carried out with a tool shaped like a pen with micro needles.

These microneedles will penetrate certain layers of skin to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. This process helps improve skin texture and overcome various skin problems, such as acne, textured skin and black spots.

But unfortunately, not everyone who undergoes Dermapen treatment is successful in getting the face they want. Not a few actually get the effects of treatment which makes their facial condition worse. Like the story shared by a girl via her personal TikTok account @wnnr11.

Through his upload, he shared his story after undergoing Dermapen treatment to remove acne scars on his face. During the first treatment , she succeeded in getting a glowing and smooth face, but everything changed when she had the second treatment.

photo: TikTok/@wnnr11

"Please, those of you who want to get treatment, be careful so that it doesn't happen like me," he wrote in the description of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted from the TikTok account @wnnr11, Saturday (29/6).

The story begins when the girl, known as Iwin, decides to undergo Dermapen treatment at a beauty clinic. Even though at that time his face had several pimples and acne scars. When he consulted a doctor about the condition of his face, the doctor said that the acne on his face would peel off after the treatment.

Finally, Iwin decided to do Dermapen Acne treatment. But unfortunately, instead of getting a smooth and glowing face, she actually experienced a serious breakout.

photo: TikTok/@wnnr11

"There I felt something strange. My skin felt really hot and itchy. Well, there I didn't think anything about it. I thought it was the effect of the Dermapen," said Iwin.

Iwin's facial condition got worse on the second day after the Dermapen treatment. The reason is, more and more acne appears and his face becomes reddish. Even though he had previously done the same treatment, the results were really good. Her face looks glowing and smooth.

"Well, that's when I started to wonder why my face wasn't getting better, instead it was getting worse and had serious acne. Finally I searched on Google about Acne Dermapen. It turned out that Acne Dermapen shouldn't be done if you have acne," said Iwin. .

photo: TikTok/@wnnr11

Through his story, Iwin reminded him that you should be more careful before undergoing beauty treatments. Make sure to choose a certified treatment place with professional experts. Not only that, Iwin also said that you need to know your skin condition and consult clearly before doing treatment.

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