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16 Juni 2016 16:51

The different types of personality disorders you need to know

Nothing that is lacking or excessive are good, including in psychology Victoria Tunggono
The different types of personality disorders you need to know

Brilio.net/en - As social creatures, we are supplied with the ability to blend in with society. But for some people, being social doesn’t come naturally, as they are lacking some of the senses that is not caused by bad behaviour or teaching but simply because they suffer from one or more personality disorders. They are usually live among us, and are recognized by the extreme ways of doing things. In order to understand the others--or our children--more, it is important that we can recognize the types of personality disorders. Compiled by psikoma.com, here are 10 of the most common ones:

1. Paranoid

This kid cannot feel hunger, fatigue and pain due to a rare disorder

Image via endtimeheadlines

Paranoid sufferers have trust issue with anyone around them. They are always suspicious of all people and believe that all people have bad motives toward them. They live in fear and lack calmness.

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2. Schizoid
People with schizoid disorder tends to avoid being in a social relationship with other people. They are unable to express their emotion and like to be by themselves. Most of them are loners.

3. Schizotypal

Image via omicrongiota

The signs of someone having a schizotypal disorder are recognized from the bizarre way they think about something. They believe that they have sixth sense or supernatural ability.

4. Antisocial

Image via dopestreetsg

Antisocials are not the people with bad social relationship. Instead, they are lacking of conscience that they can be overly aggressive and only care for their needs. They never think of being in other people’s shoes.

5. Borderline
People with borderline disorder have unstable mood and always feel inferior. They are susceptible to anger and tend to have extreme mood swings due to their low esteem.


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