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4 April 2016 13:11

Science says overly polite people are dangerous and this is why

Do they instantly like you that much? Are they trying to tell you something you’re unaware of? Are they trying to get something from you? Retno Wulandari
Science says overly polite people are dangerous and this is why © theodysseyonline

Brilio.net/en - Wouldnt it be nice if people were nice to you? Well yeah, but its a little bit funny when you just met someone at a party and theyre being too nice to you already, dont you think? How about someone is being overly polite at a concert or sporting event?

You can really get puzzled by someone who acts like theyre your lifetime besties at the first encounter. Do they instantly like you that much? Are they trying to tell you something youre unaware of? Are they trying to get something from you?

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A December 2015s scientific research shows you the best way to take these peoples behavior is with a grain of salt at first. Social politeness and common courtesies are one thing, but if an individual is buttering you up out of nowhere, they might be up to something.

The Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (AMACL) in Beijing just released their studys result that those who are excessively polite are considerably more likely to betray peers or comrades than those who are not very polite. In short, overly polite people are likely to be the most potential backstabbers in your social sphere.

War strategy

Fakeness that an empath can easily recognize

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The researchers at AMACL held an in-depth study of Diplomacy, a strategy-oriented game in which players simulate pre-WWI Europe. Unlike other games, instead of having dice, decks of cards or other familiar formalities of gaming, the players rely solely on their communication and social manipulation skills. Forming alliances diplomatically are what this game is all about.

The researchers then attempted to obtain clues of impending action based on the dialogues between players.

As it turns out, there are extremely reliable examples of betrayal were observed in AMACLs report. The most surprising discovery perhaps is one of the most predictable signs of imminent backstabbing is sudden changes in conversational tone. Conversations would vary from the average ones to the one containing patently evident positive sentiment, structured discourse and overt politeness.

More example, Germany and Austria were talking about building forces together to eliminate certain threats. Austria politely agreed to Germanys suggestion to move armed forces east. But then, Austria swiftly invaded Germany, throwing their entire conversation out the window and completely breaking their trust.

Science News raised the same issue and commented that playing nice and being overly polite is a great war strategy. When people are generally unsuspecting, it could be effective to put on a bright face for everyone and then launch an attack when people least expect it.

How to recognize backstabbers

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A computer scientist at Cornell University Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil said that the studys result cant be used as a sole basis for making conclusions about people. His advice is to watch your new acquaintances overall tones of language, body language, and overall behavior. This will give a stronger sign of future behavior rather than a look at if someone is being nice just because.

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