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1 Januari 2025 22:00

No need for a honey scrub, here's a simple way to treat dry and cracked heels using 2 natural ingredients

Some external factors such as sunlight, dry wind and cold weather can also reduce the skin's natural moisture. Devi Aristyaputri
No need for a honey scrub, here's a simple way to treat dry and cracked heels using 2 natural ingredients foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Lack of moisture in the heel area can cause the skin to become dry and cracked. The skin on the heel has fewer oil glands than other parts of the body. This natural oil is very important for maintaining skin moisture, because it functions to protect against dryness.

In addition, some external factors such as sunlight, dry wind, and cold weather can also reduce the skin's natural moisture. The use of cleansers containing harsh chemicals and water that is too hot can also contribute to the loss of natural oils in the skin.

To restore moisture to your heels , you can use a scrub made from natural ingredients. Alternatively, there is no need to use a honey-based scrub; petroleum jelly and coconut oil are also very effective.

Petroleum jelly is a natural moisturizer that can keep the skin moist, so that the heels avoid dryness and cracking. In addition, petroleum jelly functions as a skin protector from sunlight and free radicals.

If you are looking for petroleum jelly to treat cracked heels, don't worry because this product is now easy to find on various e-commerce platforms. There are many options that you can try.

On the other hand, coconut oil is known to make heels softer. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content in coconut oil helps relieve irritation, while its antifungal and antibacterial properties can prevent infections due to cracked heels.

Using these two ingredients is very easy. For those of you who don't know how to use them, let's see how to make and apply them.


photo: YouTube/selfcarewithp

1. 3 teaspoons of petroleum jelly
2. 1 tablespoon coconut oil
3. 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
4. 1 capsule of vitamin E

How to make:

photo: YouTube/selfcarewithp

1. Add petroleum jelly
2. Pour in the coconut oil
3. Mix with aloe vera gel
4. Add vitamin E
5. Stir all ingredients until well blended.

How to apply:

photo: YouTube/selfcarewithp

1. Wash your feet first
2. Then, dry it using a towel.
3. Apply the cream evenly to the surface of the heel.
4. Leave it for about one night
5. The next day, rinse with normal water.

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