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21 Februari 2024 19:12

Instead of using wax cream, this trick for young mothers to shave their eyebrows automatically produces neat results using just 2 home tools

If you have difficulty using wax cream, there is a simple way you can shave your eyebrows Anindya Kurnia
Instead of using wax cream, this trick for young mothers to shave their eyebrows automatically produces neat results using just 2 home tools foto: TikTok/@krislynakuhn

Brilio.net - For women, appearance is the most important thing more than anything else. Especially facial appearance. Not only lips or eyelashes, eyebrows are also an element that also influences facial beauty.

Perfect and neat eyebrows can describe the character of their owner. Many women do shaving or plucking their eyebrows to get neat eyebrows.

In fact, it is not uncommon for women to be willing to spend quite a lot of money to have their eyebrows embroidered. As is known, eyebrow embroidery is an instant solution for tidying up messy eyebrows to make them neater. However, for some people, this method is not a good solution because it can hurt the body and is relatively expensive.

Finally, many people use an eyebrow pencil to tidy up their eyebrows. But unfortunately, using an eyebrow pencil will not be optimal if the eyebrow hair is not neat. So, if you are one of the people who experiences this condition, you don't need to worry, because you can shave your eyebrows to make them look neater and more symmetrical.

Well, for beginners, shaving your eyebrows can be a challenge because it's not easy to do. Moreover, currently there are many wax cream products specifically created for shaving eyebrows. This method is quite scary for some people, because it will cause pain during the shaving process.

No need to worry, because there are simple ways you can shave your eyebrows, as shared by a young mother via her personal TikTok account @krislynakuhn on November 6 2021, which contains a trick for shaving your eyebrows which results automatically neatly using just 2 home tools. The home tools in question are clear tape and scissors.

photo: TikTok/@krislynakuhn

"Tape brows to trim your hairs perfectly even every time (Tape eyebrows to trim your hair perfectly every time)," said the account owner in the uploaded video, which was reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @krislynakuhn, Wednesday (21/2) .

Not only is it a multi-functional home tool as an adhesive, in fact tape can also be an effective tool to help shave your eyebrows, you know. Apart from preventing pain, the tape also has straight sides, making it easier for you to shave your eyebrows more neatly.

Meanwhile, you can also use scissors to shave your eyebrows. Make sure you choose sharp and clean scissors. Come on, see how to do it below.


- Enough clear tape
- Scissors
- Eyebrow spoolie

photo: TikTok/@krislynakuhn

Working steps:

1. Comb your eyebrow hairs to the side to make them neater and smoother in the same direction
2. Stick the tape along the eyebrow line
3. Cut using scissors slowly (make sure to do it neatly following the line on the side of the tape)
4. Do this on the lower eyebrows and the other eyebrows
5. Remove the tape slowly when finished
6. To make sure your eyebrows are really neat, comb them again using a spoolie. Good luck!

photo: TikTok/@krislynakuhn

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