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3 Januari 2025 08:00

Instead of using dye, this is how to darken gray hair using just 1 type of leaf

Genetic factors also play an important role in the appearance of gray hair. Brilio.net
Instead of using dye, this is how to darken gray hair using just 1 type of leaf

Brilio.net - Gray hair is often considered as one of the signs of aging that usually begins to appear when someone reaches their 30s. This happens because the hair loses its natural pigment. As we age, the production of melanin, the pigment that gives hair its natural color, decreases, so that hair begins to grow white.

However, genetic factors also play an important role in the appearance of gray hair. If a family member experiences gray hair at a young age, it is likely that this condition can be inherited by their offspring. In addition, health problems such as autoimmune disorders, hormonal imbalances, or certain vitamin deficiencies can also trigger the growth of gray hair.

External factors also contribute to the appearance of gray hair at a young age. Stress, smoking habits, unhealthy lifestyles, improper hair care, and excessive use of hair dyes can accelerate this process. Even so, gray hair that grows on the scalp can still be overcome with the right method.

Usually many people deal with gray hair by using hair dye or natural dyes, such as urang aring. However, now without using these natural ingredients, you can still deal with gray hair. As a replacement, you can use bay leaves with antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory content.

All of these contents can affect hair growth , naturally blacken, and prevent scalp infections. In addition to inhibiting the growth of gray hair, later the hair can also look shiny because the color is back to natural black. This bay leaf is also able to make hair stronger, not easy to fall out, and free from dandruff itching.

photo: freepik.com

Meanwhile, natural additives such as amla or gooseberry are rich sources of vitamin C and antioxidants. These contents can help strengthen hair follicles, prevent hair loss, and improve overall scalp health.

Meanwhile, fennel seeds or fenugreek seeds contain protein, iron, vitamin C, and lecithin that can strengthen hair roots and protect scalp follicles from damage. On the other hand, the presence of kalonji or black cumin can blacken gray hair and protect hair follicles, because of the content of linoleic acid, nigellone, and thymoquinone.

So how do you use all these natural ingredients?


photo: YouTube/Garima Singh

1. Kalonji (black cumin)
2. Fenugreek seeds
3. Hibiscus
4. Amla
5. Bay leaves.

How to make:

photo: YouTube/Garima Singh

1. Put about two tablespoons of kalonji into a heated pan
2. Stir for about five minutes
3. Add approximately two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
4. Mix all the ingredients and add some amla leaves.
5. Put the bay leaves that have been cut into several pieces into the pan.
6. Pour into a bowl and add enough hibiscus leaves.
7. Puree all the ingredients by pounding or using a blender.
8. Put the herbal powder into a pan and pour in enough warm water.
9. Stir all ingredients until well mixed.
10. Leave it for about one night and stir again.
11. Pour into a clean container, while filtering and stirring again.

How to use:

1. Tidy your hair first
2. Apply the mixture to the entire surface of the hair.
3. Leave it for about 30 minutes
4. Rinse the mixture using plain water without shampoo.
5. By using this mixture, the hair will appear darker and shinier.

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