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13 April 2024 05:00

10 skincare ingredients that are suitable for reducing inflamed acne, making your face automatically smooth

For women, hormonal changes are often the cause of acne Brilio.net
10 skincare ingredients that are suitable for reducing inflamed acne, making your face automatically smooth Freepik.com

Brilio.net - The appearance of acne often disrupts the appearance of the face. Apart from that, for health reasons, acne when inflamed also causes pain on the face. Especially if you accidentally touch acne when it's really bad and it breaks, the pain and soreness become one. The possibility of infection is also very high, especially if there is not just one pimple.

The factors that cause acne are very diverse. For women, hormonal changes are often the cause of acne. However, there are also those who have acne due to hereditary factors. Consuming too much junk food can also be an external cause of acne.

Whatever the cause of acne , it feels like this problem of a million people must be addressed immediately because it interferes with your appearance and activities. So serious treatment is needed, one of which is using skincare which can relieve acne, soothe inflamed acne and cure it.

So you need to pay attention to several skincare ingredients that are suitable and good to use when your skin has acne. Don't worry, because this time briliobeauty.ne t will give you information about 10 skincare ingredients that are suitable for reducing inflamed acne, making your face automatically smooth.

1. Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA).

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This ingredient, which is often called AHA, is certainly familiar to skincare fans because this ingredient often appears in skincare for treating acne. Reporting from medicalnewstoday.com, this ingredient is very useful for preventing acne by removing dead skin cells that can clog pores that cause acne.

Having the function of regenerating the skin, this content can increase the production of collagen and elastin in the skin if used long term. If you have fine lines on your face that can make your face look older, this ingredient could also be the solution.

2. BHA.

If you often hear about AHA content, then you are probably also familiar with BHA content. In fact, these 2 ingredients are often paired together as the 2 main ingredients in a skincare product. Often the number 1 ingredient for acne-prone skin, this ingredient can help exfoliate the skin effectively and overcome aging and acne problems on the face.

Owners of sensitive skin are very suitable for this content. Reporting from nbcnews.com, this ingredient can help relieve inflammation for sensitive skin. Skin with acne generally has more oil production. This content can dissolve excess oil on the face.

3. Salicylic Acid.

Reporting from healthline.com, this type of content can penetrate the skin to dissolve dead skin cells that have been blocking facial pores. As we know, acne occurs due to blockage of facial skin from blackheads, dead skin cells, and oil on the face.

This sensitive ingredient is very effective for curing acne because it can be used as an exfoliant. By using skincare products containing salicylic acid, your pores will be cleaner and less prone to acne.

4. Tea Tree Oil.

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One of the causes of acne is due to bacteria on facial skin. So, you need ingredients that can overcome these bacteria. One of these ingredients is tea tree oil. Reporting from verywellhealth.com, this content can kill bacteria that can cause acne.

The content that comes from tea leaves can be said to be antibacterial. Generally, this content is usually found in facial cleansers and acne medications.

5. Azelaic Acid.

For skin that is inflamed and very sensitive to the appearance of new acne, this ingredient is very suitable to use. According to webmd.com, azelaic acid can reduce inflammation in skin with acne. Apart from that, this content can also prevent black spots on the face.

6. Benzoyl Peroxide.

This content can treat acne on a mild to moderate scale. Reporting from webmd.com, this content is good for reducing bacteria that can cause acne. Apart from that, this content will prevent the growth of acne so that acne is no longer inflamed.

7. Aloe Vera Extract.

photo: Freepik.com

Reporting from medicalnewstoday.com, the aloe vera plant itself has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Because of these properties, this ingredient is very suitable for helping treat facial skin when you have acne.

When used in skincare products, aloe vera extract is usually combined with other main ingredients which also have an antibacterial function.

8. Sulfur.

Almost has the same function as salicylic acid, reported by proactiv.com sulfur has the function of removing dead skin cells that have accumulated on the face. These dead skin cells cause blackheads to accumulate and cause acne to appear.

9. Vitamin C

If your acne problem also causes redness on your face, then using skincare with the main content of vitamin C is very important. Reporting from wevmd.com, vitamin C, apart from being able to relieve the redness that occurs when acne appears, can also reduce skin hyperpigmentation.

10. Retinol.

photo: Freepik.com

According to nytimes.com, this content can increase collagen production in facial skin and make the face firmer. Apart from that, the problem of acne, especially after the acne has healed, is the appearance of dark spots or acne scars which can take the form of black spots. This content can treat mild acne and improve facial skin.

(Intern/Himmatul Ahsana)

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