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16 April 2024 08:00

10 Recommendations for acne patches under Rp. 50 thousand, so they don't cause infection

This acne patch could be an option for those of you who are facing stubborn acne. Brilio.net
10 Recommendations for acne patches under Rp. 50 thousand, so they don't cause infection

Brilio.net - Smooth and healthy skin is a woman's dream. However, there are skin problems that disturb the appearance of the face and make the skin look unhealthy. One of the facial skin problems that is the enemy of all women is acne.

Acne is really annoying, especially if it comes at the wrong time, such as during a big event or other special day. Sometimes the healing process for acne takes quite a long time, depending on the skin and treatment and the type of acne. But don't worry because now there are many ways to deal with acne skin problems.

One way is to use skincare products . Acne skincare can vary from creams and ointments to acne patches or stickers which are currently popular. Acne patches are suitable for those of you who have acne problems only in certain parts and not all over your face. Acne treatment will be more focused and work better.

On the other hand, there are some acne patches that don't provide a good formulation to cure acne and only use them as face stickers because their cute shape can add aesthetics to the face. But don't worry, because this time briliobeauty.net , Tuesday (16/4), has summarized for you 10 recommendations for acne patches under Rp. 50 thousand, so they don't cause infections.

1. FOCALLURE Spot Patch Acne Treatment Day and Night.

photo: Shopee/@FocallureOfficialShop

Suitable for sensitive skin, this acne patch is waterproof. Contains anti-inflammatory ingredients, namely tea tree oil, salicylic acid, and kim essential oil. The function of this product is to remove acne, prevent pollution, sterilize, fight inflammation, and prevent acne scars.

The patch from FOCALLURE Spot Patch Acne Treatment Day and Night which is used in the morning is thin with transparent 0.1mm hydrocolloid, absorbs dirt and covers acne but will not interfere with wearing makeup. Meanwhile, the nighttime acne patch with a thickness of 03.mm can absorb acne well, treat swelling and pain, sterilize and fight inflammation, and can improve the skin 2X. You can buy this product for only IDR 45 thousand.

2. ACNAWAY Bundle 2 in 1 Ultra Thin Acne Patch + Infinity Size Acne Patch.

photo: Shopee/@AcnawayOfficialShop

Having a very thin and seamless texture, this acne patch will feel integrated into facial skin. Breathable and sweat-resistant, this product will stick well and adhere perfectly to the skin. The function of this product is to absorb pus and oil in acne.

Helps dry acne quickly and reduces redness. The salicylic acid formulation, which is a mainstay ingredient for treating acne, is able to absorb dead skin cells and oil and then melt the paste without leaving scars. It is equipped with tea tree for faster natural healing. This product can be purchased for IDR 47 thousand.

3. Nourish Acne Plast.

photo: Shopee/@RETELAOfficialShop

It has breathable, waterproof, soft, thin and transparent material made with Korean technology. Because this product is thin, it will not irritate the face and can be used while wearing makeup.

A product that functions to disguise and treat acne by absorbing acne fluid, minimizing acne scars, minimizing scars caused by acne, and is able to protect acne from being contaminated with dust. You can buy Nourish ACNA Plast for IDR 30 thousand.

4. La. personal Pimple Patch.

photo: Shopee/@La.personalOfficialStore

Removes all pus from acne and dirt, thereby speeding up acne healing. Can soothe redness of acne and maintain skin moisture. Bacteria are quickly killed with this acne patch without irritating or making the skin dry.

Contains active ingredients: salysilic acid, tea tree and witch hazel extract. Available in morning and evening variants, you can have the La.personal Pimple Patch for IDR 30 thousand.

Intern/Himmatul Ahsana

5. Lanbena Acne Pimple Patch.

photo: Shopee/@LANBENAIndonesiaOfficialShop

Can absorb secretions effectively while protecting areas with acne. For those who have inflamed acne, this product is formulated to soothe acne.

It has a transparent texture and an ultra-thin design so it doesn't look like anything is being attached to it. Can remove acne and provide 24 hour treatment. You can buy the Lanbena Acne Pimple Patch product for IDR 48 thousand.

6. 3M Nexcare Acne Cover.

photo: Shopee/@3MIndonesiaOfficialShop

Containing tea tree oil which is free from chemicals makes 3M Nexcare Acne Cover safe to use for sensitive skin. Inside there are 18 patches, 6 patches with a diameter of 1.2 cm and 12 pcs with a diameter of 0.8 cm.

This acne patch uses hydrocolloid technology which functions to absorb acne fluid at the source of the acne. This product will protect your face from bacteria, is very breathable, and waterproof. If you want to buy it, you have to spend IDR 34 thousand.

7. Club Refined Hydrocolloid Acne Patch.

photo: Shopee/@ClubRefinedOfficialShop

It has a hydrocolloid acne patch formulation that can absorb the contents of acne and protect bacteria, dust and pollution which can cause acne to get worse if exposed too often. This product helps treat acne for a period of 8 hours or overnight.

Can help you extract the contents or pus of acne, relieve inflammation and redness, and can prevent acne scars from appearing. Already hypoallergic and safe to use for sensitive skin, you can buy the Club Refined Hydrocolloid Acne Patch with this cute shape for IDR 33 thousand.

8. Vio Acne Shield Patch Series.

photo: Shopee/@SinarKosmetik

The patch of this product is thin so it is more breathable but still able to cover acne effectively. Able to protect and shrink acne without making the skin drier.

It contains te tree oil which can provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects which help to treat spots and acne. Meanwhile, the salicylic acid content can clean clogged pores on the face and speed up the healing of acne. Having various and cute shape variants, you can buy this Vio Acne Shield Patch Series product at a price of IDR 26 thousand.

9. Kye Acne Clear Patch.

photo: Shopee/@SinarKosmetik

Having a design that can match your skin color means you don't have to worry that this product will interfere with your appearance or makeup. The product is breathable but is still able to cover acne well and protect, shrink and heal acne without making facial skin dry. You can buy this Kye Acne Clear Patch product for IDR 23 thousand.

10. KALEIDO Acne Patch Playful Series.

photo: Shopee/@KaleidoOfficialShop

It has an OG acne patch ingredient formula with hydrocolloid technology that can absorb acne contents. Having a low dose of salysilic acid makes this product safe for breastfeeding mothers and those of you who have sensitive skin. Able to protect acne from pollution and bacteria.

KALEIDO Acne Patch Playfull Series can reduce the risk of acne scars and can reduce acne inflammation. You can buy this product for IDR 29 thousand.

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