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3 April 2016 09:48

10 Cool hairstyles for girls who ride bikes

The trick is finding the stylish hairdo that doesn’t reach too high as the helmet will ruin it. Victoria Tunggono
10 Cool hairstyles for girls who ride bikes © a.dilcdn.com

Brilio.net/en - Riding a bicycle or motorcycle can be the best transportation solution in high traffic neighborhoods. But for most women (and men who rock the manbuns) this causes new problems, especially with the hair. Wearing a helmet is necessary for safety but at the other hand it ruins hairdos. The trick is finding the stylish hairdo that doesnt reach too high as the helmet will ruin itbut also wont get tangled easily. Here are some of the best hairstyles for long hair to ride bikes with:

1. Wrapter

Image viawrapter.com

This is a new hair trend for sporty women. Wrapter secures the hair tightly and tidily for practical reasons, but also looks stylish with its colorful options.

2. Pull-through braids

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This gives a semi-mohawk look with tidy sides and looks like a braid but uses a lot of elastic bands. Pull hair to cover the bands and to give a bit of messy look.

3. Colored ponytail

Image viapinimg.com

Go out of the box and be different. Try the ombr or dyed hair trend and color only the bottom part of your hair with vivid colors. The color(s) will standout only if you tie your hair!

4. Twisted knot

Image viababble.com

Get creative and twist your hair on both sides before tying it into a ponytail with an elastic band at the nape. Get a small part and wrap the elastic band to make it look like a knot.

5. Fishtail braids

Image viarealsimple.com

Get the boho look with fishtail braids. Its almost the same with doing the usual or French braids but divide your hair into four sections instead of three.

6. Topsy tails

Image via pinterest.com

Make two or three tiers of ponytails and slip each inside to give a braid-look. It looks a little messy but keep your hair strands in place.

7. Half braids

Image via pinterest.com

Braid your hair only in the middle and leave the rest to hang. This will keep you looking fresh but also let the hair go free for a more casual look. Simply gorgeous!

8. Mohawk side-braids

Image via pinterest.com

Or do it the other way around: let the middle part of your hair be free and braid the side into several small braids to give a Mohawk feel. So hippie!

9. Slipknot

Image viaalldaychic.com

Make double or triple ponytail and slip a small part of each to make a knot-like to cover the elastic bands. Chic, sleek and tidy!

10. Hair glove

Image viaetsystatic.com

As alternative to Wrapter, Hair Glove gives a Gothic look to your hair. It comes in many models so you can choose the one that best suits your style.

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