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25 Januari 2017 17:09

10 Beautiful Indonesian Costumes Worn On Miss Universe Stages

Take a look at these attention-grabbing costumes! Aprilia Nurohmah

Indonesia has participated in Miss Universe several times and has stolen public attention with beautiful national costumes.

Here are some of the best Indonesian costumes worn by various Putri Indonesia.

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1. Miss Indonesia 2016 Kezia Warouw will wear this 20 kg Garuda costume in the upcoming grand finale of Miss Universeon Jan. 30

Image viaInstagram/@keziawarouw

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2. Anindya Kusuma Putri looks stunning during Miss Universe 2015 in tuk-tuk costume.

Image viaindonesianpageants

3. Elvira Devinamira won the best National costume in Miss Universe 2014 with her The Chronicle of Borobudur costume.

Image viasocially

4. Whulandary Herman stole the show with her Reog Ponorogo costume inMiss Universe 2013.

Image viabeautypageantsnews

5. With this Red and White Garuda costume, Maria Selena got in the top 10 of Best National Costume in Miss Universe 2012.

Image viaindopageants

6. Nadia Alexandra in Dei Ames, The Beauty of Wayang Golek costume.

Image viakapanlagi

7. Qori Sandioriva in her Papua traditional costume during Miss Universe 2010.

Image viaindonesianpageants

8. Zivanna Letisha in her Srikandi costume.

Image viamisscontest

9. Putri Raesmawati in her Papua costume in 2008.

Image viagaiaonline

10. Agni Pratistha Kuswardono in her Dayak Kenyah traditional costume 10 years ago.

Image viamissosology

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