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18 Agustus 2017 10:20

'Mission: Impossible 6' Production Delayed After Tom Cruise's Accident

Ethan Hunt is not as invincible as the movie makes him seem to be. Tunggul Kumoro
'Mission: Impossible 6' Production Delayed After Tom Cruise's Accident © paramount

Spy-fi fans probably would not be able to handle the bad news brought from the set of upcoming "Mission: Impossible 6", this week.

Tom Cruise reportedly has injured himself doing stunt job for the film last weekend and has broken his ankle, and even worse, hurt his hip as well after he failed to perform a deserved landing on a leap between buildings. As a result, Paramount Pictures has officially announced a production delay, according to Variety for two months to give Ethan Hunt moments to recover.

"During production on the latest Mission: Impossible film, Tom Cruise broke his ankle while performing a stunt. Production will go on hiatus while Tom makes a full recovery, and the film remains on schedule to open July 27, 2018. Tom wants to thank you all for your concern and support and cant wait to share the film with everyone next summer," stated Paramount.

Meanwhile, Director Chris McQuarrie interviewed by Empire confirmed on what actually happened. He assured that Cruise was actually doing good after the accident.

"Tom is great. He's in very good spirits. He's feeling great about the movie. Very excited in general," said McQuarrie.

McQuarrie revealed that they still got a lot to film with the remaining eight weeks, yet McQuarrie was quite confident the delay would pose no threat to the release date on July 2018.

Notwithstanding, it is obscure if Cruises next project, the sequel to American romantic military action drama "Top Gun", will also be impacted by the incident in any way.

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