Even though it has been renovated, this house still maintains its traditional side, including the kitchen area.

  15 Februari 2024 11:43

Brilio.net - Shela Lala or commonly known as Mbak Lala is the caretaker of Rafathar, the first son of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina. Lala has been a baby sitter who has looked after Rafathar since he was a baby. It's not surprising that many people know his figure.

Since joining the Andara family, Mbak Lala has become more diligent in saving. Evidently, he has been able to renovate a house in his hometown in Lampung.

Even though it has been renovated, this house still maintains its traditional side . Like in the kitchen area.

Mbak Lala's kitchen is still dominated by exposed brick walls and a cement floor. Even the furniture itself is still considered traditional.

The following is a portrait of Ms. Lala's kitchen in her hometown, summarized by brilio.net from the Rans Entertainment YouTube channel, Thursday (15/2).

1. Having a land area of 1,200 square meters, it's not surprising that the kitchen in Mbak Lala's house looks quite spacious.

portrait of Mbak Lala's kitchen in the village  YouTube

2. Located on the ground floor, the kitchen in Mbak Lala's house is made of brick walls with a cement floor.

portrait of Mbak Lala's kitchen in the village  YouTube

3. The appearance is very simple, painted orange.

portrait of Mbak Lala's kitchen in the village  YouTube

4. It seems that the facilities are adequate, starting from glass cupboards and gas stoves in this area.

portrait of Mbak Lala's kitchen in the village  YouTube

5. However, there are also cabinets made of wood which are also used to store cutlery.

portrait of Mbak Lala's kitchen in the village  YouTube

6. Even though there is a lot of furniture, this kitchen doesn't look cramped.

portrait of Mbak Lala's kitchen in the village  YouTube

7. Even though there is a kitchen, Lala's family still chooses to cook using a stove placed in the yard behind the house.

portrait of Mbak Lala's kitchen in the village  YouTube

8. There are several chairs, firewood and a large cauldron there.

portrait of Mbak Lala's kitchen in the village  YouTube

9. Meanwhile, wood for cooking was piled up in the backyard of the house.

portrait of Mbak Lala's kitchen in the village  YouTube
