Yes, I don't wear singlets and drawstrings, but that's not the case either~

  12 Februari 2024 06:00 - Domestic life is a dynamic life. There are trivial problems that sometimes irritate a husband and wife. Even trivial problems can be taken seriously, they can also be addressed in a humorous way.

Like what this hilarious man who went viral on TikTok did. Through his account @dedymos, he shared how annoyed he was with his wife. Not without reason, this man named Deddy is often scolded by his wife because of the clothes he often wears at home.

His wife often complained when she saw Dedy wearing a torn singlet and drawstring trousers too often.

" Wife: why do you wear a singlet and undercolours at home so ugly it's like you don't have any other clothes, " wrote the caption in the viral video.

Portrait of cosplay husband Various sources

photo: TikTok/@dedymos

Deddy immediately responded to his wife's complaints in an anti-mainstream manner. As if this was 'revenge', Deddy even did some strange cosplay. He wore several costumes.

First, he wore a very neat suit and vest complete with a bow tie tied to the collar of his shirt. Wearing very formal men's clothing, Deddy does housework in the form of washing his motorbike in the yard.

Portrait of cosplay husband Various sources

photo: TikTok/@dedymos

Next, Deddy wore a servant-style costume in Jogja. He used this costume to lift gallons and install the gas stove in the kitchen.

Portrait of cosplay husband Various sources

photo: TikTok/@dedymos

It didn't stop there, Deddy eccentrically deliberately wore a Super-Man costume complete with wings and an "S" logo on his chest. This superhero costume is used to cut ornamental plants under the balcony of his house.

Portrait of cosplay husband Various sources

photo: TikTok/@dedymos

Finally, Deddy was dressed as a cool guy in Korean style with a beige jacket, white turtleneck t-shirt, pants that matched the jacket, and shiny white shoes. With his elegant sunglasses, Deddy even brushed the toilet in his house.

Portrait of cosplay husband Various sources

photo: TikTok/@dedymos

"This is what you want, wives?! It's even better to wear loose clothes and drawstrings," he wrote in the caption.

His eccentric behavior also looks hilarious, inviting netizens to comment on the uploaded video which has been watched 1.8 million times.

" This is a bit different. So far, this is the furthest away ," said the account @01_xv17_07_b.nang_.

" But I don't know why, at home it's nice to wear clothes that are torn. If you wear clothes that are really hot, you don't feel comfortable, " said the account @irjuns.

" I prefer my husband to wear a sarong rather than a drawstring, " said the account @larissaleslie67.

" You're so funny, bro. My wife often scolds me for wearing trashy clothes. I'm interested in imitating her brother hahaha, " wrote the account @mami_raisya.

@dedymos Is this what you want, wife? It's even better to wear loose clothes and drawstrings #fyp #vidiocomedy original voice - DEDYHERTINO

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.