Liputan6/Maulandy & Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi - Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) and Civil Servants (PNS) are both part of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Although they have the same status as ASN, there are fundamental differences between the two in terms of employee status. PPPK are appointed with a work agreement for a certain period of time, while PNS are appointed to work with permanent status. For this year, the government has given PPPK flexibility to be able to apply for the 2024 CPNS selection without having to leave their PPPK status.
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of PANRB Number 6 of 2024 concerning the Procurement of ASN Employees, it is stated that PPPK are allowed to participate in CPNS recruitment without having to resign first. This opportunity is open as long as PPPK meets the specified requirements. This is a positive step that allows employees with PPPK status to switch to PNS without having to lose their employee status during the selection process.
PPPK who successfully pass the 2024 CPNS recruitment can later resign from their PPPK status after being accepted as a PNS. This means that those with PPPK status do not need to make a hasty decision to leave their current position before getting certainty from the CPNS selection. This policy provides space for PPPK to continue carrying out their government duties without interruption during the selection process.
So what are the requirements that must be met to be included in the PPPK criteria that can become CPNS without having to resign? Let's see the complete review that reports from various sources below, Monday (23/9)
PPPK requirements can register for CPNS without resigning.
PPPK can register for CPNS without resigning
Liputan6/Iqbal S. Nugroho
The requirements for PPPK to register for CPNS 2024 without resigning are stated in Article of PermenPANRB Number 6 of 2024 concerning ASN Employee Procurement, the following are the requirements for PPPK to be allowed to register for CPNS 2024, including:
1. Have fulfilled the Employment Agreement Period as a PPPK for at least 1 year;
2. Have obtained approval from the Personnel Development Officer (PPK) or Authorized Officer (PyB)
Furthermore, in letter D of Article 24 of the PermenPANRB, PPPK must also meet the requirements to participate in CPNS 2024 as per the applicable provisions. The requirements for registering for CPNS 2024 are stated in the Decree of the Minister of PANRB No. 320/2024 concerning the Selection Mechanism for Civil Servant Procurement for the 2024 Fiscal Year, including:
1. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and a maximum of 35 years old at the time of application.
2. Applicants must never have been sentenced to prison with a sentence of two years or more based on a court decision that has permanent legal force.
3. Applicants must never have been dishonorably discharged as civil servants, PPPK, members of the TNI, Polri, or private employees.
4. Applicants are not currently serving as civil servant candidates, civil servants, members of the TNI or Polri.
5. Applicants may not be involved or be members or administrators of political parties and may not be involved in practical political activities.
6. Applicants must have an educational background that matches the requirements of the position they are applying for.
7. Applicants must have relevant competencies, proven by a valid certificate of expertise from an official institution for the position requiring it.
8. Applicants must be physically and mentally healthy according to the requirements of the position they wish to apply for.
9. Applicants must be willing to be placed anywhere in Indonesia or other countries as determined by government agencies.
10. Applicants must meet other requirements that are tailored to the job requirements as determined by the Personnel Development Officer (PPK).