With this approach, each student can develop their potential to the maximum without being limited by rigid curriculum standards.

  9 September 2024 23:45 - The implementation of the Independent Curriculum in inclusive schools has brought many positive changes to the education system in Indonesia. One of the main advantages of implementing the Independent Curriculum in inclusive schools is its flexibility in adjusting learning to suit the needs of students, including those with special needs.

With this approach, every student can develop their potential to the fullest without being limited by rigid curriculum standards. The Independent Curriculum also provides space for teachers to be more creative in developing inclusive and diverse teaching methods.

The main advantage of implementing the Independent Curriculum in inclusive schools is seen in the ability of teachers to choose teaching tools that are more relevant to student development. Thus, learning becomes more appropriate to the individual conditions of each student.

In addition, inclusive schools that implement the Merdeka Curriculum are able to create a more supportive and adaptive environment for students with various backgrounds. One of the main advantages of implementing the Merdeka Curriculum in inclusive schools is increasing students' self-confidence in participating in learning.

Every student feels appreciated and supported in the learning process, thus encouraging active participation and better learning outcomes. Here is a complete review reported by from various sources, Monday (9/9).

The main advantages of implementing the Independent Curriculum in inclusive schools.

The main advantages of implementing the independent curriculum in inclusive schools  2024

The main advantages of implementing an independent curriculum in inclusive schools

1. A more flexible learning approach

One of the main advantages of implementing the Independent Curriculum in inclusive schools is the flexibility in the learning approach. This curriculum is designed to adapt to the needs of students with various abilities, including students with special needs.

Teachers have the freedom to choose the most effective teaching materials and methods for each individual. This allows students to learn at their own pace and potential, thereby narrowing the gap in educational achievement. This approach also encourages teachers to be more creative in designing inclusive and enjoyable learning activities for all students.

2. Increase student participation

The implementation of the Independent Curriculum in inclusive schools also brings benefits in increasing student participation. Students with special needs often feel marginalized in an overly structured education system. The Independent Curriculum provides opportunities for students to be more actively involved in the learning process.

Projects and interest-based learning that are implemented allow each student to contribute according to their abilities, so they feel more valued and motivated. This also helps create a more inclusive and collaborative learning environment.

3. Strengthening character through Pancasila student profiles

Another advantage of the Merdeka Curriculum in inclusive schools is its focus on strengthening character through the Pancasila Student Profile. In this curriculum, students not only learn to achieve academic results, but are also taught important values such as mutual cooperation, integrity, and concern for others.

Strengthening these values is particularly relevant in the context of inclusive schools, where diversity is an integral part of the learning process. By building strong character, students can grow into empowered individuals who are ready to face challenges in an inclusive society.

4. Support for the development of student potential

Inclusive schools that implement the Merdeka Curriculum also benefit in terms of developing student potential. This curriculum is designed to help every student, including those with special needs, develop their interests and talents to the maximum.

Teachers are encouraged to identify each student's strengths and weaknesses and provide appropriate support to help them develop. Thus, every student has an equal opportunity to achieve success, both academically and non-academically.

5. Improving the quality of evaluation and assessment

The Merdeka Curriculum provides a more holistic assessment approach, which is very beneficial for students in inclusive schools. Rather than focusing solely on test scores, this curriculum emphasizes continuous evaluation that measures students' overall progress.

This assessment method is more humane and does not burden students with special needs. Students are assessed based on their individual development, which helps create a more positive learning experience and boosts self-confidence.

6. Adjustment to individual student needs

Another advantage of implementing the Merdeka Curriculum in inclusive schools is its ability to adapt learning to the individual needs of students. This curriculum allows teachers to design an approach that suits the learning style and unique abilities of each student, including those with special needs.

This is very important in creating an inclusive learning environment, where every student feels cared for and supported. With this adjustment, students can learn more effectively and feel more comfortable in following the learning process.

7. A more inclusive and supportive learning environment

By implementing the Merdeka Curriculum, inclusive schools can create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. This curriculum encourages acceptance of diversity and provides space for each student to develop according to their abilities.

Teachers, students, and the entire school community are trained to adopt an inclusive attitude, allowing every student to feel accepted regardless of physical, mental, or academic differences. In this way, the Independent Curriculum helps create an atmosphere that supports the holistic development of all students.
