Get closer and gain His pleasure.

  4 September 2024 17:35 - In Islamic teachings, prayer is one of the main acts of worship that is a pillar of religion. In addition to the five obligatory prayers, there are also various sunnah prayers that can be performed to draw closer to Allah SWT. Sunnah prayer, although not obligatory, has great merit and reward for those who perform it sincerely and istiqomah.

Sunnah prayers can be performed in congregation (together) or munfarid (alone), depending on the type and conditions. The execution of this sunnah prayer not only adds reward, but also helps a Muslim to increase piety, improve the quality of obligatory worship, and gain blessings in everyday life.

By understanding and practicing these sunnah prayers, it is hoped that Muslims can get closer to Allah SWT and gain His pleasure. Although the Sunnah prayer has many virtues, its implementation must not ignore or interfere with the main obligation, which is the obligatory five-time prayer. Sunnah prayer should be done as a complement and completion of obligatory worship, not as a substitute.

Compiled by from various sources on Wednesday (4/9), the following are various sunnah prayers that are performed in congregation and munfarid, to become closer to God.

Sunnah prayer performed in congregation.

wrong sunnah of the munfarid congregation  2024

the sunnah prayer of the munfarid congregation
2024 Resources

1. Tarawih prayer.

- Get a reward like a full night's prayer
- Forgiven of past sins

Execution time:
After the Isha prayer during the month of Ramadan

How to implement:
1. Intention of Tarawih prayer
2. Performed as many as 8 or 20 rakaat (depending on the madhhab)
3. Every two rakat salam
4. Usually ends with the Witr prayer

2. Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha prayers.

- Grateful for God's blessings after fasting Ramadhan (Idul Fitri)
- Commemorating the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim AS (Idul Adha)

Execution time:
- Eid al-Fitr: 1 Syawal
- Eid al-Adha: 10 Dhul Hijjah

How to implement:
1. The intention of Id prayer
2. Takbiratul ihram
3. Reciting 7 takbirs in the first rakaat and 5 takbirs in the second rakaat
4. Reading Surah Al-Fatihah and other surahs
5. Continued with the Id sermon

3. Eclipse prayer (kusuf and khusuf).

- Remembering the greatness of God when there is an eclipse
- Asking for protection from defamation

Execution time:
When there is a solar eclipse (kusuf) or a lunar eclipse (khusuf)

How to implement:
1. The intention of the eclipse prayer
2. Do two rak'ats with two ruku' and two prostrations in each rak'at
3. Reading a long surah
4. Concluding with a sermon

Sunnah prayer performed independently.

wrong sunnah of the munfarid congregation  2024

the sunnah prayer of the munfarid congregation
2024 Resources

1. Salat tahajud.

- Getting closer to God at night
- Opening the door of sustenance and forgiveness

Execution time:
After waking up from a night's sleep, before dawn

How to implement:
1. The intention of Tahajud prayer
2. A minimum of 2 rakaat is performed, the maximum is unlimited
3. Concluding with the Witr prayer if it has not yet been performed

2. Duha prayer.

- Opening the door of sustenance
- Equivalent to 360 charity for body joints

Execution time:
After the sun rises about one spear (15-20 minutes after sunrise) until Dzuhur

How to implement:
1. The intention of Dhuha prayer
2. A minimum of 2 rakaats is performed, a maximum of 8 rakaats
3. Every two rakat salam

3. Salat tahiyyatul mosque.

- Respect the mosque as God's house
- Obtaining intercession on the Day of Judgment

Execution time:
When entering the mosque for the first time, before sitting down

How to implement:
1. The intention of the Tahiyyatul Mosque prayer
2. Performed 2 rakaat
3. Read a short surah after Al-Fatihah

4. Istikhara prayer.

- Ask God for guidance in making decisions
- Gain stability

Execution time:
Any time you want to make an important decision

How to implement:
1. The intention of Istikharah prayer
2. Performed 2 rakaat
3. After the greeting, read the Istikharah prayer

5. Prayer of repentance.

- Asking for forgiveness for sins that have been committed
- Purifies the heart and soul

Execution time:
Anytime after committing a sin and intending to repent

How to implement:
1. Repentance prayer intention
2. Performed 2 rakaat
3. After salam, apologize and pray for forgiveness
