In Islam, there are many advices and wise words that can be used as guidelines.

  4 September 2024 14:17 - Life is a journey full of twists and turns and challenges. In Islam, there are many pieces of advice and wise words that can be used as guidelines to live a better life.

These wise words often provide inspiration and peace to the soul, and remind us of important values in life, such as patience, gratitude, and sincerity.

Facing various tests in life is not always easy, but by strengthening our faith and listening to the advice of Islamic teachings, we can find a way out and the meaning of every experience.

In this article, we will share 40 Islamic wise words about life that soothe the heart. Hopefully these words can provide motivation, enthusiasm, and peace for you in living your daily life.

40 Islamic Words of Wisdom about Life

1. "This life is a trust from Allah. Take care of it as best as possible."

2. "No matter how great our plans are, we must always surrender to Allah, because He is the best at determining everything."

3. "Patience in facing life's trials is a sign of maturity in faith."

4. "Never feel alone, because Allah is always with you every step of the way."

5. "Be grateful for a little, Allah will give you a lot."

6. "Live with gratitude, because every breath is a gift from God."

7. "Every problem has a solution, be patient and pray."

8. "Success does not come easily, but with hard work and sincere prayer."

9. "Allah does not burden a person beyond his ability. Trust me, you can get through this."

10. "Doing good will never be in vain. Your goodness will come back to you."

11. "Only to Allah do we ask for guidance, because He is the source of all knowledge."

12. "In every sadness there is a valuable lesson that accompanies it."

13. "Strong faith can lead us to calm amidst the storms of life."

14. "Love your parents, because their prayers are the key to blessings in your life."

15. "Always be ready to give, because giving is the best way to receive."

16. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to face that fear."

17. "If you want to be happy, plant gratitude in every heart you have."

18. "Don't delay doing good, because opportunities don't always come a second time."

19. "Live simply; not everything beautiful looks expensive."

20. "Every step you take towards goodness will be recorded as a good deed in the sight of Allah."

21. "A happy life is not measured by wealth, but by a heart full of gratitude."

22. "The most noble success is when we can benefit others."

23. "Beneficial knowledge is a light that will illuminate your path in life."

24. "Always remember, that life in this world is only temporary."

25. "Longing for Allah is a sign of true love."

26. "Make every test an opportunity to grow and learn."

27. "With prayer and effort, Allah will open the way for every dream."

28. "Appreciate every moment, because time is the most beautiful gift from Allah."

29. "God's love is found in every drop of rain that falls on the earth."

30. "Live on principles, not just on comfort."

31. "Blessings in life can be achieved through obedience to Allah."

32. "Improve your relationship with Allah, surely your relationship with others will also be good."

33. "True happiness is when we can give without expecting anything in return."

34. "Every sincere prayer is a bridge to achieve a desire."

35. "Be like water that always adapts, but remains clean and useful."

36. "There is nothing more valuable than strong faith in the heart."

37. "This life is a test; be patient, because every test will bring blessings."

38. "Be grateful for what you have, and Allah will increase it."

39. "Try to smile in every situation, because your smile can spread happiness."

40. "Be sure that every step towards goodness is a path to Allah's heaven."

Hopefully the wise words above can soothe the heart and provide inspiration in living everyday life. By practicing the values contained in each of these sayings, we hope to become a better person and closer to Allah.
