
From this independent Umrah trip, the man saved up to IDR 20 million

  30 April 2024 23:25

Brilio.net - Many people want to perform the Umrah pilgrimage, but are often hampered by high registration fees. Therefore, some of them later gave up their plans. Indeed, Umrah registration often involves quite large costs, including visa fees, accommodation costs, transportation and other administrative costs. Especially if you use the services of an Umrah agent or travel agent.

Using a travel agent is easier, because everything is taken care of by the travel agency. However, it costs a lot of money to go for Umrah via this route. So can you go for Umrah privately? The answer is absolutely possible. Like what this man did, where he performed Umrah independently without traveling .

Brilio.net reported from the TikTok account @backpackersayur, Tuesday (30/4), a man was willing to arrange a trip to Jeddah to perform the Umrah pilgrimage. Starting from buying tickets to booking hotels, everything is done independently.

Even though it looks troublesome, who would have thought that this independent Umrah trip would actually save your budget. He even saves money by bringing supplies from Indonesia. Because in Mecca, this man will only book a hotel without eating. Apart from being economical, this is also intended so that you can focus on worship there.

Independent Umrah is cheaper  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@backpackersayur

"So that we can focus on worship, so that food can be provided since Asr. Ramadhan is difficult for hotel staff every prayer hour," he wrote.

He departed from Solo and immediately took a flight to Jeddah with a transit in Jakarta. Luckily, he only spent 5 million rupiah for a round-trip plane ticket. For your information, the Umrah pilgrimage carried out independently is legal, yes. So as long as the conditions are complete then there shouldn't be any problems.

"From Indo immigration to Saudi immigration, LANCAR JAYA, at Saudi immigration they don't even ask anything. We are official, in the Constitution it is called individual Umrah and that is permitted." he said.

Independent Umrah is cheaper  2024 Various Sources

photo: TikTok/@backpackersayur

Who would have thought, it turns out that there are many friends from Indonesia who perform independent Umrah. There they can agree to jointly rent a bus so that the costs are lower. Before leaving for independent Umrah, this man first looked for information in backpacker and independent Umrah groups.

Self-booking hotel prices are not too expensive. It is written that while in Medina, this man rented a hotel for 700 thousand, unfortunately it is not stated in what currency.

"The first Medina hotel only costs 700 thousand, the rooms are spacious and have a kitchen, even 5 minutes to the mosque," he said.

Cheaper independent Umrah  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@backpackersayur

If you have an agent, there will be a muthawwif or guide for the Hajj and Umrah. However, this man hired the guide independently. The goal is of course to avoid confusion when performing worship.

The man changed hotels with prices that were not much different. Only a difference of 100 thousand rupiah from the previous hotel. However, now he can get better facilities. Including eating 3 times a day and only 2 minutes away from the mosque.

After spending time in Medina, he continued his worship to Mecca. Fellow independent Umrahs, they rent buses to travel around the city. The rental price is relatively cheap, only 200 thousand per person.

Cheaper independent Umrah  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@backpackersayur

He admitted that this independent Umrah was really fun and cheap. Of the total needs and travel for 14 days, this man only spent IDR 17 million. Meanwhile, if you go through an agent or travel agent, it can be IDR 35 million.

"The plane ticket is only 5 million Solo-Jeddah PP
The cost of hotel, visa, muthowwif, meals etc. is around 12 million. It's 14 days and the month of Ramadan, so the hotel is very close to Medina, just a 7 minute walk to Mecca. Why don't you go on an independent Umrah? Of course not. Next, God willing, we will bring the family," he wrote.

Cheaper independent Umrah  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@backpackersayur

The story of this Umrah trip has gone viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many want to imitate the actions of this man. Apart from that, it turns out that many people have experienced a similar journey.

From the video being posted until this article was written, the @backpackersayur account has gathered 4.1 million views. Apart from that, there were also 283,600 accounts that gave likes and also 10.1 comments.

"I want to go on an independent Umrah but when I get there I'm afraid I won't be able to speak English," commented @niqmah3.

"I also wanted to go on independent Umrah for 1 month plus Turkey 30 million," wrote @tio.95_

"How come people can do Umrah independently. I don't understand how and I don't understand how to do it there either," said the account @lestari_w26

"I want to go on an independent Umrah but really want to get married first so I can be with my wife later," wrote the account @ariefhidayat.
