The man was no longer being romantic. Starting from rarely providing news or even not wanting to reply to chats at all.

  20 Maret 2024 17:25 - Every romantic relationship is certainly not free from twists and turns that accompany it. Well, that is part of a normal dynamic, because love unites two people with various differences. Different in hopes, emotions and so on. Therefore, trials are indeed a challenge in themselves in relationships .

Well, these are the twists and turns that are being experienced by a woman named Ena. He shared his story via a TikTok video which can be seen on the @produkngapakkk account. The test in a relationship should be to strengthen each other. However, it turns out that this woman and her partner actually separated.

From the start, he carried out the relationship as usual. However, there came a time when his girlfriend changed. The man was no longer being romantic. Starting from rarely providing news or even not wanting to reply to chats at all.

Ena certainly doesn't want to give up, she continues to fight for her relationship so that it doesn't fail halfway. Ena tried to find out the news until the time came for her to get bored. Messages and chats from him were never answered.

"Don't you want to tell me? Are you busy? Or don't you need me anymore?" he asked in the chat.

Instead of getting a cool reply. Ena was even asked to understand her boyfriend again. As if in this case, it was his girlfriend who needed understanding. Ena was certainly confused, especially since she didn't feel like she had done anything wrong with her boyfriend.

"What did I do wrong? Just talk? If you're bored, say it," he said.

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photo: special

The boyfriend still didn't give an explanation, he just asked Ena to be quiet. His girlfriend was feeling in a bad mood. He also admitted that he was indifferent to Ena just because he wanted to calm his mind.

Ena tried to help, but unfortunately her boyfriend slapped her outstretched hand. Dozens of chats Ena sent no longer received a response. Her boyfriend really didn't want to serve Ena.

Arriving at one moment, this attitude is the beginning of the unraveling of all the reasons. Ena's lover turned out to be indifferent because he wanted to say goodbye to Ena. The man asked not to be in a relationship anymore. This certainly made Ena surprised and very depressed.

The chat sent from his lover looks long. The man admitted that every time he was close to a woman, he always introduced her to his mother before they became friends. But not with Ena, she was only introduced after they met.

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photo: special

At that time, Ena came from an incomplete family. Ena only has a mother. His father is not explained anywhere. Meanwhile, the girlfriend's mother wants to have a daughter-in-law from a woman whose family is complete. Because the man was the first child, the mother wanted to have in-laws in the child's first marriage.

"Not to be condescending, mother said that if you can find one whose parents are still intact. The thing is, I'm the first child. So my mother wants her first daughter-in-law to be like that," said the man.

Of course there is nothing else Ena can say other than accepting this. An incomplete family condition was not his wish, but he actually received the negative impact of this. Ena can only pray that her boyfriend's mother can find the person she hopes for.
similar experience.

"When I got married I was an orphan, but luckily my first daughter-in-law was also an orphan. It wasn't a burden for me because there were other people, but when I got married my mother was also called by Allah. From there my parents-in-law thought being an orphan was a disgrace," said the account @rahayurahayu5575

"Just leave, sis. Men like that are mostly just an excuse, maybe there's something else. If you really love you, you will definitely fight for it, it's not like that," wrote the account @eka_caa

"My girl has incomplete parents. At first it was a problem, then I said, is it true that someone like that can't get married, doesn't have the right to be happy? And finally I got the blessing," said the account @setiawan

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photo: special

"It must be really annoying, sis," commented the account @yunilestari.

From the video being posted until this article was written on Wednesday (20/3), the @produkngapakkk account has gathered 76,900 viewer accounts. Apart from that, there are also thousands of likes and hundreds of comments.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.