- Raffi Ahmad is one of those people who is always passionate about doing something, including sports. This was also acknowledged by his wife, Nagita Slavina.
According to Nagita, Raffi is a person who is always enthusiastic and serious about whatever he is involved in so that the results are maximum. One example, he managed to become champion in the "Suddenly Tennis" match against Desta.
Even the totality of playing tennis is not enough with an expensive racket alone. However, he also facilitated it by making a tennis court at home.
At first glance, the tennis court looks like a regular court. However, Raffi said that the condition of the field was similar to a special field for international matches. It is not surprising that the construction of a tennis court is estimated at billions of rupiah.
Curious as to what? The following is a portrait summarized by from YouTube deHakims Story, Monday (26/2).
1. This is what Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina's tennis court looks like.
tennis court at Raffi Ahmad's house
YouTube/deHakims Story
2. This tennis court is not at his house in the Andara area, but is located in another house not far from his main residence.
tennis court at Raffi Ahmad's house
YouTube/deHakims Story
3. The surrounding atmosphere also feels comfortable and beautiful because it is surrounded by shady green trees.
tennis court at Raffi Ahmad's house
YouTube/deHakims Story
4. Going inside, you can see that the tennis court was really built with careful planning.
tennis court at Raffi Ahmad's house
YouTube/deHakims Story
5. The tennis court is dominated by a blue color on the floor. Meanwhile, there is a wire fence around it.
tennis court at Raffi Ahmad's house
YouTube/deHakims Story
6. Raffi's field concept is made to resemble the Australian Open tournament which is dominated by blue, especially since he likes this theme.
tennis court at Raffi Ahmad's house
YouTube/deHakims Story
7. However, Raffi also explained that the size of the field was not as big as the tennis court used for matches due to limited land.
tennis court at Raffi Ahmad's house
YouTube/deHakims Story
8. To build the tennis court, the 37 year old presenter spent a fantastic amount of almost IDR 3 billion.
tennis court at Raffi Ahmad's house
YouTube/deHakims Story
9. Because it is located in one of Raffi's houses, the tennis court is automatically Raffi's personal property. However, the tennis court can be used by colleagues if they want to practice tennis.
tennis court at Raffi Ahmad's house
YouTube/deHakims Story