Reino Baracak was very impressed with Syahrini's religious side

  24 Mei 2024 18:58 - Happiness surrounds the couple Syahrini and Reino Barack, who are currently expecting their first child. The singer confirmed the news of Syahrini's pregnancy by uploading a photo of her 7 month old moment on her Instagram page. Before that, news of Syahrini's pregnancy was just a rumor.

In the midst of the happiness of Syahrini's first pregnancy, an old video of Reino Barack circulated revealing the reason he fell in love with his wife. He conveyed this in an interview with one of the hosts which was re-uploaded to the TikTok account @temenkamucerita.

Unlike most news which narrates slanted issues about this couple, Reino said that he was very happy to be married to Syahrini. Nothing other than because Syahrini is a dream figure who is very close to God.

Reino Barack reveals why he didn't make a mistake in choosing Syahrini  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@reinobarack

"If we rank it, maybe number one is closeness to God," explained Reino, as reported by from TikTok @temenkamucerita, Friday (24/5).

He saw Syahrini's devotion to worship because he often heard the 43-year-old singer reciting the Koran. When he returned home after work, Reino Barack said he was often greeted by his wife's melodious voice while reciting the Koran.

"Since the beginning, actually. When I come home, I usually just go home and go into my room. Sometimes I hear a melodious voice, he likes to recite the Koran," he said.

Reino Barack felt touched by Syahrini's habit of reciting the Koran at home. This moment convinced him that he was not wrong in choosing Syahrini as his wife.

"Then I suddenly couldn't see anything, oh someone appeared there reciting the Koran. Something very good, but out of expectation," said Reino.

On the same occasion, Syahrini also admitted that she often recited the Koran at home. Apart from being a form of worship as a Muslim, reciting the Koran is also a way to express feelings and train his vocals. Remembering, he had undergone vocal cord surgery.

"When I'm angry, I can only cry, I can't get angry and explode like my younger brother. So I express it through reciting the Koran. For me, reciting the Koran is my vocalization. So I also have problems with my voice, I've had vocal cord surgery. So when I'm active I'm not singing. Yes, I use that," said Syahrini.

However, Reino Barack's wife did not explain in detail the duration of time when reciting the Koran. He only mentioned that he occasionally uses his free time to recite the Koran. The husband who heard this denied this. Reino said that Syahrini was a religious person who often recited the Koran.

Reino Barack reveals why he didn't make a mistake in choosing Syahrini  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@reinobarack

"At home, I use my time to watch films and I get bored if I do it often. Well, I recite the Koran every now and then as much as possible," added the singer of Maju Mundur Cantik.

"Quite often. Because I just come home looking like that. I also like to recite the Koran," explained Reino Barack.

Meanwhile, the news of Syahrini's pregnancy was also announced by Reino Barack via his Instagram account. In his upload, he shows Syahrini's enlarged stomach with happy smiles from both of them.

"Our greatest adventure is about to begin (our greatest adventure will begin soon)," he wrote in the caption of the upload.

Reino Barack's upload was flooded with congratulations and prayers from fans and fellow celebrities. Many of them pray that Syahrini's pregnancy will go smoothly and that her baby will be born healthy.

Reino Barack reveals why he didn't make a mistake in choosing Syahrini  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@reinobarack

Reino Barack and Syahrini also looked very enthusiastic about welcoming their baby. This moment was the most beautiful gift in their fifth year of marriage, where the two of them tied the knot on February 27 2019.
