foto: Zakharia; Instagram/@Jokowi

Jokowi is said to be the Advisory Board member of the Golkar Party.

  22 Agustus 2024 10:19 - Speculation about the future of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) after stepping down from the presidency has resurfaced. This time, his name has been mentioned as a potential member of the Golkar Party Advisory Board.

Responding to the issue, Jokowi seemed reluctant to give a definite answer. The President instead asked that questions regarding the matter be addressed directly to the Golkar General Chairman.

"Ask the Golkar General Chairperson, don't ask me," said Jokowi after closing the agenda of the 11th Golkar National Conference (Munas) in Jakarta, Wednesday night, quoted from Antara, Thursday (22/8).

Jokowi stressed that the issue has not been officially confirmed. He asked the public to seek clarification directly from the leader of the banyan tree party.

Previously, the Chairman of the Steering Committee for the 2024 Golkar Rapimnas and Munas, Adies Kadir, stated that his party was open to discussing President Jokowi becoming the chairman of the Golkar Advisory Board in the 11th National Conference (Munas) on 20-21 August 2024. Adies was of the opinion that the position of chairman of the Golkar Advisory Board was indeed determined by the congress and the elected general chairman of the party.

issue of jokowi becoming golkar advisory board  2024

photo: Zakharia

However, a different statement came from the new Golkar Party Chairman, Bahlil Lahadalia. Bahlil emphasized that he had no plans to make President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) the Chairman of the Golkar Party Advisory Board in the 11th Golkar Party National Conference (Munas).

"So there is no issue regarding President Jokowi wanting to become the Chairman of the Advisory Board, that has not happened until today. I have discussed it, there is nothing," said Bahlil during the press conference of the 11th Golkar Party National Conference at the Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, quoted by Brilio from Liputan6, Thursday (22/3).

Bahlil explained that in the meeting there was no discussion about the party's advisory board. According to him, the meeting only discussed three agendas, namely the election of the general chairman, ratification of the work program, and discussion of the articles of association and bylaws (AD/ART).

However, Bahlil did not rule out the possibility that President Jokowi could become the Chairman of the Golkar Party's Advisory Board as previously rumored. He believes that in this democratic country everyone has the right to pray.

"If God answers his prayer, if it happens, then patent the item," said Bahlil.

Despite the issue of Jokowi joining the Golkar Party, the president's previous statement is contrary to the speculation. Jokowi once said he would return to his hometown in Solo, Central Java when his term as president ends on October 20, 2024.

Jokowi made the statement when responding to questions regarding his name being proposed as the General Chairperson of the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) to replace Megawati Soekarnoputri. Jokowi emphasized his desire to retire and return to normal life as an ordinary citizen.

issue of jokowi becoming golkar advisory board  2024

photo: Instagram/@Jokowi

"I want to retire, return to Solo," said Jokowi at the National Monument (Monas) in Central Jakarta, Thursday (5/10/2023), quoted by from Liputan6.

Jokowi believes that there are many younger figures to become PDIP General Chair. He mentioned Megawati's sons and daughters, namely Puan Maharani and Prananda Prabowo, as potential candidates.

"Many are young. (There are) Mbak Puan, Mas Prananda. That's it," said President Jokowi.
